Chapter 4

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Picture of Malik

Rosabella's POV
"This can't possibly be happening. I had it all figured out; go to banquet, find mate, and then live a normal life. Why can't things ever go according to plan?" As I was panicking, I felt my sister sit beside me and try to soothe me with a hug.

"What happened? What's going on?" She said with a calm voice, obviously trying to soothe my panic attack.

"Di, we are no longer safe here!" I said through agonizing tears. "I can't get mated to him, t-to Carter. You can't stay here, where they will make you a slave your whole life."

"Rose, you have to calm down and explain everything to me, so I know how to help you. Panicking won't help." Di voiced, still rubbing my back to calm me down.

After a whole hour of hiccuping and sniffling, I had calmed down enough to tell her what had happened after she had gone to sleep.

After narrating to her what happened, she pulled me into a hug, which I gladly accepted. After some time, she led me to her bed, and we just slept, holding unto each other like when we were younger.
It has been two days since Carter said I was to be Luna, and also two days since he lifted the maid role from my sister and I. These two days have been about Carter sending in maids that fit my clothes for the banquet. It is not only annoying but disturbing as well. Whenever I get a new dress, Carter Alpha commands me to show it off to him, saying things like; "It is your duty as Luna" or "Don't you want to appease your mate?"

When I told Amira about Carter forcing me to be his mate, she went ballistic and would have gone to Carter if not for Malik that was in the room. After some assuring words and scolding, Amira had calmed down enough to not want to completely annihilate Carter. I told her my plan about, maybe, being able to convince Carter into allowing me to go to the banquet as his "soon to be Luna."

This seemed to calm her down further as she released the death grip she had on Malik. After I had talked to Amira, Carter summoned me to his office, telling me to bring Danielle along.

As Di and I walked to his office, the guards escorting us kept on giving us side glances, almost like they felt sorry for us. I shook it off as me being too anxious and kept on a straight face.

As we got closer to the office, though, I realized that Carter was not alone. He was, in fact, with my second least favorite person, the Beta...Derrick. Even thinking of him made me shudder in disgust. Not only is he not... as naturally endowed as others, he is also a pervert, big time. He has always had eyes on Di for as long as I have known him, and the guy is like, 10 years older than her.

When the guards had dropped us at the door, we just stared at it for what seemed like an hour, and as I was about to knock on it, the door was opened by none other than .... Derrick. What really pissed me off was the idiotic smile that I so desperately wanted to knock off his face.

When he decided to move himself from the door, I and my sister stepped through the door, which closed behind us with a slam.

"Well, if it isn't my beloved Luna and her sister. Please come in and make yourself comfortable." Carter says with a morbid smile upon his face. As we were about to sit, we noticed that Carter had arranged us in a way that we were separated by them.

As I went to sit down, Carter grabbed my arm a bit too forcibly for my liking. "Not even a greeting of endearment from my Luna? Well, what do I now expect from the pack?" He whispers so close to my ear that I can feel his breath fanning upon my face.

"Good afternoon, Alpha." I uttered. If not for his werewolf hearing, he probably wouldn't have heard me. "Now there is my charming Luna." He says while releasing his firm grip on my arm. "THAT will bruise later." I think as I walk to go sit next to Carter.

When I had sat next to Carter, unable to contain myself, I questioned, "What are we doing here?" A growl from Carter had me restructuring my sentence. "What are we doing here....Alpha?" I say with a sigh of defeat.

Almost as if a switch was flipped, the arrogant and cocky Carter changed to undermining and formidable in less than a second.

"As you know, I called you to my office, what for you don't know. First and foremost, as I have said earlier to you, Rosabella, you are to be my Luna and therefore won't have any need to go to the banquet, a-" Before he could say anything more, I jumped up from my sit in complete horror. "WHAT???"

"Rosabella, I don't appreciate being talked to this way." Carter says with a scowl on his face. "And I DON'T appreciate you making decisions like this for me." As these words left my mouth, I immediately felt a sharp pain on the right side of my cheek with my head angled to the side. As I was still in a state of shock, Carter moved my face to look at him. He was absolutely fuming. " Sit." He says, obviously trying to restraint himself from hitting me again.

"As I was saying, Rosabella, you won't be going to the banquet, and you, Danielle, as you know, my Beta has had his eyes on you for some time therefore you are to become his. He will do with you as he pleases. You guys can discuss it later on. Have I made myself clear." With me being frozen and Di not wanting to anger Carter even more, Di just bows and mutters a " Yes Alpha" and comes to get me to follow her out of the room.

With Carter being the deranged person he is, he swiftly switches moods and escorts us out of his office. "Well, it was such a pleasure having you both here. Sleep well, and have a good night."

As we get far away from the office, I finally snap out of my daze and turn Di to face me. "We leave this wretched place. Tonight."

OHH. MY. GOD. How dare that little demented lunatic touch a single hair on our amazing angel's head. Was her decision to run away wise, or will it lead to a greater inconvenience. There is only one way to find out...
Pls LIKE, COMMENT, VOTE, and HOPEFULLY... see you later...

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