Chapter 7

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Pic of Gloria (Rosabella's wolf)

Rosabella's POV
Loud thumping of my paws on the ground, harsh breaths that can be seen in the cold misty night, erratic beating of my hearts resounding in my ear drums. That is all I can notice as I run either towards freedom or towards my destruction.
Where I am running to, I don't know. What I do know is that anywhere is better than here right now.

"Run, Run, RUN!!!" I shout to Di through our mindlink. "Get past the border. We can only go unnoticed for so lo-"

Harsh distant howls can be heard in the rendering distance just as we crossed the border. These howls promised a vengeance and a fight, which only spurred us way past the borders into uncharted territory.

We ran for what felt like an eternity until we physically couldn't anymore, and just fell unto the ground weary, dirty and tired.  

After about one or two minutes of resting, Di and I had to drag ourselves to an empty cave after rolling ourselves on the ground to mask our scents.

"Di, are you okay?" I asked her tiredly.

"Physically and emotionally not so much, mentally though..... mentally, I just feel so..... liberated like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders, y'know." She answered tiredly but also with an edge of relief in her voice.

"Yes, cause I feel the exact same way you do. My only regret is that we couldn't say goodbye to Amira one last time..." I said, letting a lone tear run down my face.

"Yeah...." She whimpered.

After a few moments, we wished each other a goodnight and tried to sleep all curled up in our wolf forms. We embraced the silence that quickly enveloped us, except for the occasional sound of the sweeping wind, letting the realization sink in.... we were finally free. No more crazy Carter to control us. No more having to clean the whole packhouse. No more having to deal with Whitney.

The thing that still saddened me was not seeing Amira.

"Don't be so sad over it. Fate has a funny way of bringing people together. If she was meant to be a part of your story, you both will meet again somehow, someway, someday." Gloria says calmly in my head.

"I hope so. Well, goodnight, Gloria. Better get some rest since we are going to have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Dont let the bed... well, floor bugs bite, " I said with a deep yawn.

"You too, Rosie, sleep tight." Gloria said before slowly receding to the back of my mind.

I let out another deep yawn, feeling my eyelids flutter shut, and the whooshing of the wind and the chirping of crickets, like a soothing lullaby, slowly lured me to a peaceful slumber.

Two days have gone by since then, and  Di and I have fallen into a routine. Wake up, find water and hopefully some food, drink or maybe eat, trot for about eight hours, rest, find and drink more water, walk for about three hours, rest, continue trotting until night, sleep. Wake up and start cycle again.

On the first day, it was Di that went out to find water. The second day, it was the both of us since I was awake when she was about to go out on her own again.

I really enjoyed our time together. Even though it was not under the best circumstances, I still loved spending time with my sister, and I really missed this. Just us, talking about ourselves, not worrying about the next chore to do or the next person to cook and laughing at our corny jokes.

I woke up feeling much better. My burning muscles had subsided to a dull ache.

I rubbed my paws at my face as I yawned. Then I got up and stretched my legs and my back by doing the downward dog. Before I went out of the cave, I looked back at Di only to find her sleeping. I decided to let her sleep in since the events of yesterday mist have taken a harder toll on her body.

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