Chapter 42 - Voices

528 37 15


Wordcount: 4800+

There were many things you wished you had done differently, places you wished you had been, people you wished you had protected, goodbyes you wished you had uttered.


Frantically turning around yourself, you were trying to figure out what to do. Despair pulled tears out of your eyes like water down a stream, accompanied by pained sobs that pierced through the air as you grew more and more desperate by the second.

This couldn't be happening.

Why didn't I listen?

Why didn't I listen?

Why didn't I listen?

Desperately searching for Katakuri on the ship for the millionth time with your head already dizzy from all the swift and panicked turns, you started to break down internally.

Another thing you wished you had done differently. Another loved one you couldn't say goodbye to. Another family member you couldn't protect.

Just like your mother. 

Or your father. 

Or Pops.


And so many others.

A new wave slammed down on the ship, drenching your body, and sending you crashing against the railing. You almost slipped between the posts, but your fingers dug into the wood with as much force as they could muster, and you managed to keep yourself from falling into the sea, too.

You had quickly debated letting the wave drag you into the sea to look for Katakuri, but you immediately abandoned that thought. It would have just left you both to drown.

Katakuri had saved you before himself, and you wouldn't want to waste his sacrifice. Then again, you didn't want there to be sacrifice in the first place.

Please please please, if someone's out there, please save him.

The deck was devoid of life as everyone had retrieved underdeck, but even if you were to get the crew, what were they supposed to do? Pull him up? He was too large, too heavy, and the currents were too violent for your crew to even have the glimpse of a chance.

Please, someone save him.

Out of desperation you switched your devil fruit on to find Katakuri and infuse his body with as much power as you could. You knew it wouldn't help him, but you tried, nonetheless. Despair and panic were powerful emotions.

Please don't die!

With your hands wrapping along the wooden posts of the railing, you leaned your head against one of them to calm your racing heart. Exhaustion and panic had been stressing the poor muscle, while you'd been swallowing the sobs that threatened to claw their way up your throat.

Please, someone, something, anything...

Save him.

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