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"Thank you for all your help Oreo, am I ever gonna see you again after this?" The princess asked she asked with sadness in her voice.

"I don't know, all I'm concerned is about where you're gonna go after this. Don't worry about us meeting again, I'm sure we will cross paths one day. Just find any place to stay, and I'll find you. Okay?"

The girl nodded as she pulled the boy in for one last hug. It felt heartwarming but sad.

"I hope you are right. Get away from here as fast as possible alright? Pretty sure those monsters are gonna come searching immediately. And also, take this. It's an assistant. Her name is Bessie. She can give you company and help you navigate.'' The boy then handed her a rectangular device

''Thank you Oreo, I seriously appreciate it. But what's going to happen to you?"

"Oh don't worry about me! I'll be fine, those guards may be powerful but they aren't smart nor fast enough to catch me!''

As they conversed, they could hear loud footsteps. It was the guards.

''Hurry! go! I'll distract them!" He yelled

Tea nodded as tears started to form in her eyes. She quickly activated the pod and flew off into the starry night.












Day 9: still searching.

Dear Diary, I'm still searching for a safe planet to use so I can stay there. I'll have to hide my princess identity. My family, friends, Everything. I started to think It would be a bad idea to leave home, but I think this is for the best. They weren't even good parents for crying out loud! I just want to start anew, a new life, with a loving husband and friends. And no one to play with me like I'm a damn toy. I'm just worried about Oreo, I hope he got out okay.

She then lays her diary down and looks out the pod window to search for any other planets, she almost lost hope but then sees a beautiful-looking planet. It was a purple planet with shades of pink and blue. She took an interest in it and used a device she had ever since she was a little girl, it was given to her by her aunt and uncle. She then prepared herself to ask Bessie (the device) a question.

"Bessie! Tell me about this planet right here, Is it a safe planet?'' She asked the device

"Yes, It is Your Highness! Would you like me to tell you more about the condition of the planet?"

"Do so please." She said

"The planet is known as Almadea! All of the folks there are from different planets, some are even from other universes! There is a place you can stay too! It's called Deavens town, run by Mr. Jamari, He's the mayor of this town! It's known for its beautiful landscapes! You should go there!"

"Will do Bessie, Thank you."

She then turned off the device and made the pod go forward to the planet, but something was wrong, the pod ran out of energy.

"What?! No, No, No! Not now! C'mon you piece of- gah whatever you're made out of!" She screamed at the thing

Tea looked around, looking for any sort of evacuation door, but there was none, so she grabbed her important things and Bessie and stuffed her inside a bag so she wouldn't crack when it crashed. Tea tried again to search for anything that would help her.

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