Do not struggle.

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After the invasion shit that happened a couple of weeks ago, Jamari decided to once again take his Girlfriend out to a small date to take a step back after everything that has happened these past month's.

He decided to take her to the hill that was the main attraction of the town. No one really goes there so it was the perfect place for a date.

"This place is so beautiful honey...Such a calm and relaxing environment..I feel like we both need this.." Tea said as she took in the scenery

"Honestly we do. I just want nothing to happen. We need a damn break."

"Okay, I feel like you just jinxed us when you said that- now I FEEL that something is gonna happen-"

"Oops- my bad! I mean it's nothing we can't handle right? I mean a couple of weeks ago we took on an invasion."

"And we fought like 2 gods and I was trapped in a paralyzing web. And you kinda got your ass kicked."

"Okay- okay- I get it! Still kinda embarrassed by that."

"Heh- I can see. But at least those two are gone. And who knows where the hell shelia is. Hopefully he isn't causing anymore problems."

"Oh shelia. She's out there somewhere. And of course she's causing problems. But that ain't the reason why I brought us here~"

"Oh really? What's up your sleeve now Jamari?" She asked with a somewhat smug smile

"I took us here to have some Us time if you know what I mean~?"

"Oh really~"

"Heh. Yea. Wanna make out? It's something we haven't gotten the time to do as much?"

"Heh, sure. Why not? I don't see anyone stopping us~"

Jamari gave a smug look, he felt like he accomplished something, now he had some alone time with his girl and he was going in for the kiss!

Before they could even get close to each other, the ground began to shake lightly at first. But then it began to shake madly, it shook so hard that the trees were starting to lose their leaves.

"Jamari! What's going on?! Is this an earthquake?!"

"I don't know but stay close!"

He grabbed Tea and held her close as she held close him as well. They thought this was the end. Whatever happened, happens.

The shaking then stopped suddenly. Jamari checked to see if everything was okay and if everyone was alright.

"Babe, is everything alright...?" Tea asked

Jamari didn't say anything. He seemed to be staring at something. Tea looked in surprisment as there was a portal in front of them. Jamari looked horrified while Tea looked in confusement.

"What in the living FUCK is that?" He asked

"It seems to be a portal. But what is it doing here?"

They stared at it for a while. Not being sure they should leave or stay to see what this thing was! It could be dangerous so they had to stand by and protect the town and each other.

But then something weird happened.

A tall humanoid figure seemed to be exiting the portal. Now they weren't sure if they should leave or figure out who this person was.


"Jamari! Calm down! Whoever it is, they are probably friendly! Just stay put okay? Besides it's nothing we can't handle!"

The story of Deaven's town.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora