Peace and Meditation.

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After Tea was finished helping Jamari go to sleep, Tea decided to power on Bessie. Hopefully, she wasn't upset that it took her a long time to fix her.

She clicked the power button and Bessie slowly started to power on. Eventually, she did. She seemed a bit groggy at first.

"What? Where am I? Wait. PRINCESS TEA?!" She screamed

"Bessie! Yes, it's me! I'm so sorry I made you wait this long. A lot of shit happened while you were Powered off."

"Never mind me! I'm glad you are okay! I thought that crash would take you away! Or your parents would find you. Is this still Deaven's town? Did you meet the mayor? Also, nice outfit!"

"Thanks. Also yes it is still Deaven's town. And I have met the mayor. And in fact, he's my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Wow! Congratulations princess! I'm happy for you! Anything else happened while I was away?"

"Yes actually. I reunited with Oreo not too long ago. I dunno where he is now though."

"Oreo? It has been a long time since I have heard that name. I hope he's doing fine."

''I'm sure he is. Again, I'm sorry for making you wait..."

"It's fine! You powering me back on meant that you remembered me!"

Tea gave Bessie a warm smile. But it quickly faded into a frown, It seemed like something was on her mind.

"Princess? Is everything okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, everything is fine. I promise.''

''I know that look when I see it, Oreo gave me that face all the time. What's the matter?"

Tea was hesitant at first to tell her what was going on. Bessie wouldn't want to hear someone vent immediately, she just got powered on after months. At least that's what she thought.

"Oh wait, never mind. It's about your boyfriend isn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"Tea, I've been up in your attic for almost a year, I was powered off, but it didn't mean I couldn't hear you."

"Okay, Okay your right. It is about him.''

"What happened princess?"

"Well, this has been going on for a while but I think his mental condition has gotten worse. He says he's having nightmares getting less sleep at night and massive mood drops. I'm getting extremely worried. And I wanna help him. I do. Especially after everything he did for me but he never wants me to or let me do so.''

''Hm. Well, I'd say you give him some space for now. I'm sure that he'll come to you if he ever does need help though!''

''What happens if he doesn't? Or things get worse and I won't be able to help him?"

''Don't worry princess, from what I heard while up here, you two love each other a lot! He told you some things even if he was late. But I think that if it gets even worse, he'll definitely wanna tell you. Like I said, give him some space and time!"

''If you say so. I was going to take him to this Meditation and yoga spot today. Maybe that would help him clear his mind.."

That might work! Good luck princess!"

''Thank you, Bessie...''

Tea smiled as she left the attic and went back to bed. Jamari seemed to be sleeping peacefully. That's what she told herself. She slowly drifted to sleep as she held onto her boyfriend.

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