21 Treat him well

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Harris joined me, sitting on the bed and resting our backs on the pillows. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I laid my head on his shoulder. I inhaled his scent, it smelled like mine. He smells like my body wash, Kundal baby fragrant.

Hannah: Rembat sabun ayang!

I punched his chest slowly and he took my hand and kissed it.

Harris: Sayang punya dah habis..

Hannah rolled her eyes.

Hannah: Ya Allah, kan dah beli baru tinggal refill je dalam botol..

Harris: Hehehhe

He giggled. Tak tau la seronok agaknya dengar aku membebel.

Hannah: Saje je nak bagi ayang bebel. Malam ni baru berazam tak nak gaduh dengan sayang.

Harris: Mana ada kita gaduh. Ini namanya hiburan.

Hannah: Macam-macam la kau ni. Mujur sayang...

Harris: Ayang...

He called me sweetly.

Hannah: Eum

Harris: What do you think of the show? Ayang dah tengok semua episode kan?

I looked up into his eyes, my hand rubbing his cheek.

Hannah: I wish it would be your lubuk pahala sayang.

Harris: Amin, may it be yours too. Through you, Allah made this happen.

Hannah shook her head.

Hannah: Through you, Allah made this happen. Through your great effort and generous heart, dear husband.

Harris: Through us, ayang. Allah chose us. Alhamdulillah.. May Allah choose again for the upcoming good deeds.

He kissed my forehead.

Hannah: Amin...

Harris: Satu dunia dah tahu kita pengantin baru ayang..

He chuckled. Teringat lagi yang host kata nampak sangat pengantin baru tak boleh berpisah.

Hannah: Sayang je dieorang kenal. Ayang still dieorang tak kenal siapa.

Harris: Biar tak kenal. Dengan Jamal pun tak habis jealous lagi.

He pouted cutely.

Hannah: HAHAHAHA Ya Allah...

And I pinched his cheek.

I moved away from his embraced. Sitting infront of him, properly facing him.

I took his hand and kissed it.

Hannah: Congratulation Harris sayang. You've done a really well. And I'm really proud of you.

I patted his head and he smiled like a kitten. So adorable.

Harris: Sayang dah cuti, kita boleh pergi holiday. Kesian isteri kita ni, asyik kena tinggal. Lepastu rindu kita, tidur sorang2.

Dia pulak usap kepala aku. Tapi cara dia lain sikit, usap -usap lepastu selitkan my fringe behind my ears.

Hannah: Sayang rehat dulu.. nanti kita fikir. Slowly okay...

He nodded.

Hannah: Harris sayang...

Harris: Ye ayang...

Aku gerakkan tangan ke belakang kepala dia, usap-usap sampai ke tengkuk. Dia pejam mata. I know he loved it.

Hannah: Harris sayang... I have a gift for you.

He opened his eyes.

Harris: Hmm?

I attached my lips on him. He startled for a second but he dragged me closer. We moved our lips up and down. His hand caressed my back while my hand was still at the back of his head gripping tight as we gone deeper.

We stopped, looking into each others eyes. His eyes is so dreamy as he tucked my fringe behind my ears again.

Hannah: Sayang..

Harris: Ye ayang..

Hannah: Sayang penatkan.. do you want me to take the lead tonight?

Harris chuckled, he rubbed his face, blushing. Maybe tak sangka aku  sebut benda ni.

Harris: As you wish...

I took his lips on mine again. A little harder and desperate this time. I really want to treat him well tonight. I don't know why. But I think I fell for him more as I missed him.

Him being under me, I tried my best to satisfy him. Both of us were moaning and he exhaled a slight growled. His hand squizzing my breast harder. I smiled knowing I treat him well.

I rest my head on his chest after the climax. He played with my hair and whispered.

Harris: Thank you, ayang. You're gorgeous.

I smiled again, shyly.

Harris: Come, baring betul-betul.

I pulled my body away from him and lied down beside him. Suddenly, he trapped me between his arm being on top of me.

He kissed my neck.

Hannah: Sayang, I didn't satisfy you yet? Kenapa tak bagitau.

Harris: You did satisfy me, ayang. Just think this as another effort for us to have a baby. You want a baby right?

Hannah: Tak penat ke? Tadi kan sayang penat.

Harris: Hilang penat... Takkan isteri layan macam ni nak penat lagi? Tak macho la.

They giggled.

Hannah: Baca doa dulu..

Harris: Dah.. tadi sayang tak baca ke?

Hannah: Baca... Tapi tak la khusus untuk anak just nak suami sayang lebih hehehe.

He pinched my nose.

Harris: Kita baca lagi sekali, untuk dapat anak.

Harris: I love you, Hani my ayang.

Hannah: I love you too, sayang.

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