16- The long afternoon

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Harris: Ssst.. Ya Allah sakitnya.

He massaged his head. He had a headache and his digestive system didn't seem to digest well. He felt sick.
Hannah was  sleeping under his underarm and her arm wrapped around his waist.

He was contemplating getting up, he didn't want to wake her up but he felt like throwing up. He put her hand away from his waist slowly and ran to the bathroom.

Hannah is a light sleeper. She could hear the sound of water and him throwing up in the bathroom.

Hannah: Harris ke tu?

She left the bed and went to the bathroom. Harris's head was facing the toilet bowl, throwing up. Hannah without saying much, rubbed his back. She helped him wash his mouth and face and linked her arms around his waist bringing him towards the bed.

She took a panadol and minyak angin from her handbag. Harris gulped the panadol with cold water and lay down. Exhausted.

She rubbed his chest and downwards to his tummy with minyak angin. But she kept on burping, omitting the angin from his body.

Harris: Ayang, off la wifi.

Hannah: Ha?

Harris: Wifi sedut angin Sayang. Kesian, nanti ayang yang penat.

Hannah: Hahahah wifi 😂. Ingat ada button switch off? Auto la yang. Makin lega tak sayang?

Harris: Sedap ayang urut. Kenapa ek sakit kepala?

Hannah: Dah masa kenduri makan main2. Lepastu malam pun makan yang berangin, laksa, teh ais semua tu.

Harris: Yeke?

Hannah: Ye, perut sayang dengan ayang sama je. Tak tahan.

Harris: Kalau jodoh memang macam tu.

Hannah massaged him hard.

Harris: Sakit la yang!

Hannah: Ada je idea.. jodoh 😂.

Harris: Ok la ni yang.. jom tidur balik.

Hannah: Sayang tidur la. Ayang nak tunggu subuh lagi setengah jam je. Boleh solat sunat dulu.

Harris: Sayang nak.. tapi...

Hannah: Dah tidur! nanti ayang kejut.

She kissed his forehead and covered him in the blanket.


After subuh and light breakfast, Harris continued sleeping while Hannah decided to pack their bags and organise all the wedding gifts and hantaran before they needed to check out the room before 12 noon.

Harris woke up at 11:00 am. Noticing that even his things have been packed by Hannah.

Harris: Ayang... Cepatnya kemas.

Hannah: Nak check out kan?

Harris: Kita extend sehari lagi la. Esok pun cuti lagi..

Hannah: Habistu Hasya?

Harris: Hasya dah sampai rumah sana. Semalam balik dengan Asyraf. Ada paper tak siap dia kata..

Hannah: Ya Allah... Kenapa baru bagitau sekarang?

Harris: Ayang tak tanya.

Hannah sighed.

Harris: Ayang, kita order room service. Lapar.. tapi malas nak turun.
Ayang nak apa?

Hannah: sayang nak makan apa?

Harris: Nasi ayam kicap.

Hannah: Sama

Harris chuckled. Hannah selalu macam tu, suruh orang pilihkan or dia ikut je makan apa.

Harris: Okay.. alright dah order. Nanti sampai.

/Makanan sampai/

Harris arranged the food on the coffee table.

Harris: Ayang! Ada chocolate ice cream cake la... Dia tulis note Congratulation on your wedding.

Hannah took the chocolate ice cream and put it in the fridge.

Hannah: Nanti kena rate 7 star hotel ni. Pandai ambil hati kita. Hehehe.

Harris without saying much, he already help himself. Too hungry to wait for Hannah.

Hannah: Kesian suami kita lapar.

Harris grinned.

Hannah: Dah tak pening?

Harris shook his head.


After lunch, Hannah sprayed herself with the maroon bottle perfume that they made for hantaran. She didn't like the smell of the food earlier on her clothes. She left her daily perfume  in Hasya's handbag.

Harris who was reviewing their wedding pictures lost focus. His attention diverted to his beautiful wife. Hannah was busy appreciating the chocolate ice cream  dancing in her mouth.

Harris: Ayang, takkan makan sorang! Nak juga!

Hannah grinned. She walked towards Harris and-

Hannah: Sayang!

He pulled her to sit on his lap that made her startled.

Hannah: Nah!

She offered to feed him a spoon of ice cream.

Harris shook his head.

Hannah: Hmm?

He put the ice cream cup away, on the table. He held her chin, pressed his lips on her lips. The way he glided his lips on her, so appetising. She had forgotten the taste of the chocolate ice cream in her mouth. It is only his tounge now exploring deeper into her mouth. Taking every little sweetness and creaminess of the ice cream away. It is now only the taste that she had never encountered before but so tasty, so creamy, so addictive. He pulled his lips, tongue away that made her scream NO on the inside.

Harris suddenly stopped. He was looking for something.

Hannah: Cari apa sayang?

Harris: Cari.. emm tu Cond..

Hannah: You don't need it.

Harris: Hmm?

Hannah: I wanna be pregnant. I'm ready.

Harris snatched her lips again.

Harris: Thank you.. I love you so much Ayang.

Hannah: I love you too sayang.

They continued their project in the long afternoon.

They were both panting for breath and lying down still processsing on what have they done.

Harris: It is so good that I need another round of you.

Hannah chuckled.

Hannah: Tadi bukan pening kepala ke?

Harris: Itu tadi...

Harris: Come on... Tadi baru warm up.

Hannah: Ha? Warm up?

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