13- Dear and Precious

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Hannah crossed her arms.

Hannah: Apesal pula nak jemput Abang Jamal?

Hannah can't accept Harris's decision to invite her ex-boyfriend to their wedding.

Harris: He's one of the sponsors.

Hannah: Ni kenduri kahwin aku!
Bukan majlis networking kau!

Harris: Kendurin kahwin la networking paling power yang...

Hannah: ARGH! TAKDE!

Harris: Ke sebab kau still ada hati dengan dia?

Hannah: Soalan apa tu?

Harris: Mana tau, yela tak nak dia tengok kau dah happy dengan aku.

Hannah: What the ...

She's about to swear.

Hannah: Aku just nak our happy day is filled with the people I love not hate.

Harris: Tak baik benci orang yang.


Hannah turned her body around from facing him. She faced the wall and grab the water bottle in front of her and drink it.

Harris: Takkan kau nak bagi aku bujang kot sampai bila2.

Hannah didn't answer.

Harris: sampai hati ayang..

Hannah tak layan lagi. Harris got up from the sofa and sit infront of her instead.

Harris: Ayang... Comel la ayang kita marah2 macam ni.

Hannah side-eyed him.

Harris: Auch, pedihnya kena jeling.
Ayang... Tak baik tau monyot masam dengan suami.

Hannah: Belum akad lagi! Jangan perasan.

Harris giggled.

He then smile like an idiot.

Hannah: apa senyum macam tu?

Harris idiot smile increased into the next level.

Harris: Ayang, smile...

Hannah couldn't control her laughter. His face is so funny.

Hannah: Gedik la!

Harris: Ha macam tu la..  kan cantik macam ni. Jangan masam lagi la..

Hannah's cousin Amy, the wedding planner entered the boutique. She had an appointment earlier.

Hannah: Sorry Amy, last minute semua benda.

Amy: Well, thank you sebab bagi aku job. Tengah kering ni hahahaha.

Hannah: Alhamdulillah.

Harris just sit quietly at the corner, feeling shy and awkward. That's Harris only an extrovert to people his comfortable but super shy with people he just met.

Amy: Aku ada kot dress size kau Na...
She showed a few wedding gown. Harris, sini la.. tengok mana berkenan.

Harris walked towards them and take a close look at the gowns. They just going to rent instead of custom cause they don't have that much time.

Hannah: Sayang, ni okay?

Hannah showed a princess-like gown.

Harris: Boleh, lagi terselah sifat paku payung ayang.

Hannah: HARRIS!

Amy laughed but Harris remained a poker face.

Hannah: Yang ni?

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