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Haz💙: good mornin boo. thank u for phone. miss u.

I smile at the text message as I listen to my mom and Lottie get ready for the wedding.

Me: You're welcome. Now we can call and text when I go back to London. I can even send you pictures.

Haz💙: wish u come today. daddy is mean.

Me: I wish I could too. I'll see you after though at your house.

Haz💙: i will keep my suit on so u see it.

Me: Can't wait. Have fun Hazza.

Anne had been alright with me giving him the phone. She only had a few rules which I completely understood.

1. At night he puts it in her room so he's not up all night.

2. She installed an app on it so she can see what is texted or he takes pictures of.

3. No chat rooms. (Harry didn't really know what those were so he agreed easily.)

4. No dirty messages. (This was more for me than him.)

5. If I call you answer no matter what.

They were more or less the same when I got my phone. My mom however wasn't the hover parent. Anne isn't really either which is probably why they get along. Desmond had always sheltered Harry and Gemma. Gemma hadn't even seen a dick in person before she gave me a hand job while we had my house to ourselves. Harry didn't know anything from what I'd put together, which is alright with me because it's such a damn turn on.


My calendar goes off reminding me of the wedding that last night Anne and I agreed for Harry's sake I wouldn't attend. I didn't want to cause trouble between him and his dad. He deserves to have at least some kind of relationship with him, I'd wish mine would have stuck around.


I climb down the stairs slowly after pulling a hoddie over my head so I don't answer the door shirtless. The last time I did that it was some girls selling girl scout cookies and they wouldn't stop staring. I took 3 boxes just so they'd go away and stop staring at me. Honestly they didn't even say anything so they probably thought they were excellent sales girls.

"Hello?" I ask opening the door.

"Mr Tomlinson?" The woman has blonde hair which is up in a pony tail. She has on a white button down shirt and a gray pair of pants with heels. Who the fuck is she?

I scrunch my eyebrows together. "I suppose. Louis Tomlinson, yeah."

"You've been served." She passed me a brown folder and her heels click down the walkway as she gets in her red convertible.

I've been served?

What the fuck is this?

I rip open the folder without shutting the door yet and the papers fall to the floor.

Desmond G. Styles - Applicant
Louis W. Tomlinson - Adverse party

Case number.

Court date.

Temporary order for protection against harassment, stalking, physical assault...

The adverse party is hereby notified to stay 500ft away from Desmond, Anne, Gemma and Harry Styles. Any intentional violation of this is a criminal violation and can result in an arrest warrant.

Blah blah blah.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I yell finally slamming the door.

I slip my vans on and grab my car keys and the papers in a rush. I slam the key into the ignition with the words I read playing over and over in my head. I make it to the beach in record time. I don't even bother turning my car off. I grab the papers and walk towards the familiar path.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

The guests applaud.

"Louis?" Gemma questions seeing me standing at the edge of the ceremony. She steps forward and I step back.

"500 feet." I say as the guests are quiet.

"Seems you are right at the edge." Desmond states standing up from the front row.

I nod and let out a harsh laugh. "Is this what you want? You want to hurt him?"

He stands in front of Harry and pulls him back because Harry had tried walking toward me. "No. I want to protect him."

"SO YOU PUT A RESTRAINING ORDER ON ME!!" I scream tossing the papers in his direction. "How is that protecting him?"

"HE IS 10 YEARS OLD!" Desmond yells.

My mom and Anne have picked up the papers and are reading them.

"You're right he is 10. He has a brain too. He can decide who he wants to be friends with."

"Dad. Louis." Gemma says standing between us. "Can we please do this later?"

"I'd have loved to Gem. He chose this though. This is what he's put between our families. Oh and the icing on the damn cake....I CAN'T GO BACK TO SCHOOL!"

Gemma's jaw drops open. I hear my mom and Anne gasp as they get to that part. She looks back at her dad. The guests have pretty much gone to the reception area where the rehearsal was yesterday. Mike came back from that direction and grabbed Harry's hand walking him away from the scene against his will.

"What is he talking about dad?"

"I can't travel internationally because I now have a series of appointments with a court appointed therapist. Mandatory if I ever want to even think about having this reversed."

"What did you do Des?" Anne whispers.

"Dad! Why?"

"Desmond. HE IS MY SON!" My mom yells standing slightly in front of me.

"No!" I hear Harry yell. He pushes out of Mike's arms and runs to me. "Boo. Please."

I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes. He tightens his arms around my neck and I have to physically pry them off. I hand him over to Anne and force myself to step back.

"Hazza. All costs. I'm sorry."

"Mommy. I want Louis. Louis!" Harry is screaming as she walks him away down the beach.

I grab the papers gently from my moms hands and fold them in half. "You've probably lost him. If that's what you wanted Desmond well congratulations. You got it."

"One day he'll see I've done this for his best interest."

"His best interest." I whisper. "Did you not just see that? He wanted comfort and he still didn't go to you. He wanted safety and he didn't go to you. Is that really his best interest? And I hope you know this isn't just between us. You've drawn a line between two families who were once close. You've drawn a line between two best friends."

"I protected my son."

"Sure. You won't always be able to control him. He's growing up. One thing though..." I step closer to him going well inside the 500 feet. "Don't blame me if he becomes the kid that hides shit from you. Don't blame me every time he steps a toe out of this invisible box you want to keep him locked in. One day your world might come falling down in front of you and don't blame me for that either."

I walk away and go back to my car. The yelling began once I left. Anne had returned. She and Gemma were yelling at Desmond for the stupid stunt. I blocked out the voices and ran. Harry was sitting silently on the sand next to Lottie. I could see them from my car.

My heart was breaking in my chest.

I slam the door and slam my head against the steering wheel.

Haz💙: i hate him Boo.

Me: I do too.

Haz💙: can we still talk like this?

He's found it. I know he's young but he's smart. The papers never said anything about texting or phone calls. I make my way home and spend the evening texting Harry.

If this is how it has to be right now then I'll take it.

Having Harry in secret is better than not having him at all.

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