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At all costs.

Three words that I'd always meant. I will protect him at all costs, even my freedom.

The chair is metal, cold, and hard just like the table. I'm holding my head in my hands and there's a cold metal cuff on one of my wrists. They brought me to the room with one door and a mirror in which case I'm not stupid I've seen enough TV to know they're watching me. Two men walk in and sit across the table from me.

"Mr. Tomlinson."

I swallow the lump in my throat. "I'd like a piece of paper and a pen."

They look at each other in confusion. "Don't you want to wait for your lawyer?"

"No." I shake my head. "I know how this works and I don't...won't...put him through..." I sigh. "I'll tell the story and write it all down. My confession. Harry doesn't get brought into this. I'll take what sentence I'm given and deal with the fallout."

One left and came back with the paper and pen. I grabbed it with a shaking hand and began to write.

My name is Louis William Tomlinson. I met Harry when I dated his sister Gemma. He was 6 and I was 16. It didn't start right away but it took a little over a year to make a move. He was 7 almost 8 when I went up to his room to help with his math homework and I kissed him. After that I left for school but came back two years later when he was 10. He was so innocent and pure and I preyed on him. We kissed and touched before and after the restraining order. I convinced him to enter into a sexual relationship and that he had to keep it a secret. I convinced him that it was okay and I love him. I took advantage of him over and over again. I deeply regret my actions and I never meant to cause anyone harm, especially Harry.
Louis Tomlinson

"TOMMO!!" I'm startled out of my memories when Zayn comes in our room with a guard shutting the door behind him.

"Z. How are you always excited?"

"I heard from a little birdy someone has a visitor."

I huff and lay back down. "Your mom is here. Wonderful for you."

"Not me. You. Now let's straighten up this orange monstrosity and shine your shoes."

"Shut up." I groan lightly hitting his chest.

"Tomlinson! Visitors." The guard comes to the door and I follow him out. "No touching." He reminds me opening the door.

"Yeah." I scoff. "Got the message. Don't need to say it every time my mom comes."

"It's not your mom." He whispers and follows me in the room with the tables for visitors.

"Louis!" I turn as an excited voice calls my name.

No fucking way.

Greg and Niall Horan.

"Hi..." I say confused. "What...what are you doing here?"

"My brother wanted to talk." Greg motions to Niall.

"Hi Niall." I wave at him.

"Why did you do it?" He asks me. Well way to get to then point kid.

I shrug my shoulders. "Guess he was easy to convince."

Greg laughs and shakes his head muttering under his breath. Niall shakes his too and leans closer to me but not touching me.

"No. You lied." He whispers.

I look around and lean my arms on the table. "To protect him. He has to go to school, live in town...I did it so he could do so without being looked at with the same look I get from people in here."

"But...he lost you."

"I was just the monster."

At least that's what everyone thinks. I hated what pain I caused especially what I put my mom through. She'd told me that she didn't believe what I wrote. She'd said that Anne didn't at first either but after I gave them my phone and all our messages were seen by both parties and the judge...I was the bad guy. I'd texted Harry nude photos and he'd sent them back. I made it look like I made every move first.

"He told me everything. I don't believe that. He needs you. He misses you I think."

"He'll move on."

"Ni..." Niall starts to say as he's interrupted.

"Times up!" The guard yells. He pulls me to my feet and leads me to the door.

"NICK GRIMSHAW!" Niall yells before I'm out of the room.

I stop instantly and pull my arm away from the guard. "Grimshaw?"

"He needs YOU. Please. He's crying out for help I think. He really really likes you."

I'm tugged out of the room. My mind is stuck on Niall's words. Grimshaw. Andy had been the bad boy of our grade. He sold fake IDs, ran a fight club, slept his way through every girl in school and been kicked out of every school in town until he was sent off to a boarding school our sophomore year. From what rumors I remember hearing his little brother Nick wasn't falling far from his image. If Harry...if Nick...I growl and stop letting me be led to my room.

"Phone call. I'd like to make a call."

He nods. "10 minutes if they answer."


I'd never been one to pray but I sent up a silent plea for him to answer the phone. The ringing seems to last longer than any other call I've made in my life. I begin to t think I'm an idiot. It's been almost 2 years and considering everything I wouldn't be surprised if his number changed.


I grab the wall to keep from falling to my knees. I blink my eyes and take a deep breath to keep from crying. He's here. He answered. My sweet, innocent, beautiful little boy.

"Hazza." I whisper his nickname.

"Lou...Louis?" He sniffles and he sounds like he's crying.

"Yeah. I...I'm...miss you." I say not wanting to say too much. I know I'm being listened to and I'm pretty sure this would just get me more time in here.

"You aren't...mom and dad said no contact again."

"I know. I just...I can't."

I hear shuffling and his name being called by a boy. "I need to go. Will you call again?"

"Babe! Come on what is the hold up. We have a reservation. I bet your ass looks great in whatever you're wearing or not wearing!" The voice yells. I hear a door open and Harry shush's the voice.

"Haz. Am I too late? Have you...do you...have I been replaced in your heart?"

He sniffles. "No." He whispers.

"Babe. I won't ask again." The voice says. Is this boy threatening my bubs?

"Haz. I'll call again. I really really like you."

"Me too."

"Tomorrow. Oh and when your alone open the locked folder on your phone. I left you a message I didn't get a chance to let you know. Bye Haz."


The phone disconnects and I place it back on the wall. As I walk back into mine and Zayn's room it hits me. I just broke one of my conditions. I took a plea to get a reduced time and I promised no contact with him while I'm in here or out. I can't do that though. I can't.

"Well who was it?" Zayn asks after we're alone.

"I messed up Z. It was some friends."

"How'd you mess up? Did you touch them?"

I shake my head. "No. I called him."

His mouth drops open. "Him as in..."

"Harry." I whisper. "I'm fucked."

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