Character Bio

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This fic is a test, consider it a spiritual successor to Black Halo.

Heroes, villains, gangs, hard things, sex, violence among others things.

As it is in the synopsis, it will work this way: The protagonist that we will follow will be in the body of someone who already lives in that world, he will remember some things from that world and his feelings in relation to some things there will not be ignored.


OC Bio


Name: Finn MacAllister

Age: 17 Years

Appearance: Straight shoulder-length black hair, black eyes. Finn has pale skin due to wearing long clothes even in warmer seasons and leaving the house very little.

Personality -

Old Finn was bitter because of family problems, hated superheroes for a selfish reason and wanted nothing to do with anyone just to live and probably die alone, He was someone who would probably smoke 50 packs of cigarettes a day just to die faster.

The current Finn is a nerd. Likes anime, games and is a little sarcastic but he is a good person.

Background -

Of Irish descent, Finn lived a troubled childhood. His mother left his father and he shot himself while taking a shower.

Living briefly with his alcoholic and neglectful grandfather, Finn developed passive depressive thoughts. He lived like a robot in the same routine of waking up, going to school, working in a store near his house, returning home, sleeping and starting the routine again.

And of course, there are also factors that pushed him deeper into depression involving a childhood friend who became a hero, which he was in love with.


The story takes place in the fictional city of Morai, in Maine. Where after burying his grandfather, Finn receives a message that would end his life and start a new one.

I'm not going to share future abilities for now because there are so many possibilities, even with who Finn will summon in the future.

My objective is to make something not so
" tabajara ", something that is done anyway and fucked it, without care and without details. Something that prevents me from deleting this story out of discouragement, being a perfectionist sucks.

But of course, if you're observant, you probably noticed Stocking on the cover of the story.

Yes, she will be the first girl summoned.

I'm going to change the cover while Finn summons more characters, it will probably have characters from Honkai Star Rail since I've recently been playing the game and reading the stories.

But that's it for now, I'll see if I can post the prologue before bed today.

I hope this story works out.

I Gained the Ability to Summon my Waifus in a Fucked up Crapsack World (Gacha)Where stories live. Discover now