Chapter 9 - Carnage in a Winter Night

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Upon seeing both Finn and Stocking approaching, one of the men immediately put his hand on his waist.

" Private property, turn around immediately if you don't want a shot in the middle of your asshole." The street gangster pulled out a silver revolver and pointed it in the direction of the two.

" We don't seem drugged enough to fool him. " Finn thought, unconsciously his red eyes gained a much brighter tone.

" Stocking. "

" No need to say twice! " Stocking held both her katanas, she ran at a supernatural speed towards the 3 men. The gangster who was pointing the revolver at her fired but she swung her arm, cutting the bullet in half with one of her katanas.

The first man's eyes widened, he only had time to choke and spit out blood, when he realized there was a white and blue blade piercing his throat.

Two of his friends finally turned their attention away from Finn and looked at Stocking who in less than seconds crossed the street at a stupendous speed.

When the second gangster blinked, he no longer felt anything. He had tried to pull out his 1911 but he couldn't feel the cold metal of his gun against his skin.

" Eh ? " In the form of a severed head spinning in the air whispering in a confused manner, he died instantly.

The third and final man widened his eyes, Stocking wasn't looking at him. Maybe she didn't even consider him worthy to kill.

" I smell urine... " She said to no one.

She was right.

" F-Fucking crazy bitch! " It was then that, in a bizarre way, when pointing his pistol at the back of Stocking's head, an enormous force turned his arm counterclockwise.

Bones being broken, muscles being stretched beyond their capacity, blood vessels being ruptured and splashing on the snowy ground. When he noticed, his arm was beyond word broken. It was brutally spun around to the point that his flesh was almost detaching from his body.

" W-Wha What?? M-My- MyARM!! " The flesh around the shattered arm was purple because of its insides which were completely destroyed, because of the adrenaline he felt no pain however the shock was responsible for him going in in the zone of despair.

" WHATTHEFUCKYOUHAVEDONETOME!!!! " Screaming wildly from the depths of his soul, he stared stupidly at his arm.

He could slowly see the flesh peeling away from It.

The gangster was so terrified that he didn't realize he was already on the ground, he then heard his headless body falling right behind him.

Stocking looked away and focused on Finn.

" What kind of power is this ? You did this same thing to that guy in black in the apartment "

" That's something I can explain later." Finn whispered in a cold sweat, his right arm hurt a little, Stocking had noticed this and raised an eyebrow.

" Are you okay to continue ? " She asked and Finn just nodded.


Finn POV:

The inside of the building was dirty, it was obvious because it was used by drug addicts and drug dealers.

People who wouldn't want to be found.

(Similar to an Urbex Hill video)

Ignoring the drugged couple who were fucking on a couch like two mindless zombies, the two never stopped fucking, not even when the shooting started.

I Gained the Ability to Summon my Waifus in a Fucked up Crapsack World (Gacha)Where stories live. Discover now