Pt 3: Re-Started

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5/31/24 - I have officially started on this again. I tend to have periods where I will actively work on a game and then periods where everything else is more interesting. In my last post, I recorded thoughts of attaching a skin onto the skeleton to cheese out rigging it. Turns out that worked well! Found a cute frog skin on the asset store I could use and everything!

Problem was that modifying it was a bitch and a half. I couldn't get it to adequately hold the Rocket Launcher and aim it or anything. A month or so later and I finally bothered to spend the time making my own frog 3D model, though in unity using primitive shaped blocks... Then animating it.

So now I have a froggo able to run around, jump and just stand there. The animations are basic but are good enough.

Next up is shooting, got it to work with the help of my good friend Bob (ChatGPT), but it shot rockets backwards... Multiplied the direction by -1 and remember to remove gravity and good as perfect.

But now they won't work well and are going through walls or just hitting them and rolling around randomly...

One of these days I'll get it, one of these days...

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