Pt 4: BOOM

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6/2/2024 - I got a good chunk of time to work on the project today! Unfortunately a portion of that was dedicated to trying to figure out why exactly my character wouldn't launch horizontally. 

See I finally got the rocket launcher to shoot, and in the direction of facing. Got a targeting reticle in place and all that. So decided to make the rockets explode on contact with anything. Working? Awesome - now I wanted the rocket jump-like feature of knockback from the explosion.

A quick ChatGPT session later and BOOM - there is a script, but the problem is that it only launches vertically, all horizontal momentum is rather quickly cancelled. Created a ball object to mess with and low and behold THAT moves correctly, so something is wrong with the player controller. 

After digging around for 30 minutes or so into the script that I started to use, I could not figure it out for the life of me. Soooo I had to create a new character controller, or rather Bob the ChatGPT intern did. A few edits to that script later and it works! Everything that I had been using for the character controller previously? Completely pointless. The only system I am still using at this time is actually just the camera controller, so at least that time with the previous system isn't 100% wasted!

I spent maybe 30 minutes to an hour making minor adjustments here and there to get the movement to the degree I wanted it, remembering the key phrase "Good Enough" - This isn't a dream game, so it doesn't have to be perfect, I just want it to be something playably fun!

There was also a point in the day in which I accidentally kicked the computer tower since it is under my desk... and froze the computer requiring me to restart everything, though it thankfully only took a few minutes once the computer was back up to catch up to where I was before the freeze.

Now that I got the character created, the next part is going to be the game loop... Therein lies the next challenge. Plus side being that this part should be hopefully complete unless I decide to add some visual polish and when I eventually add sound effects.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2024 ⏰

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