Chapter 3

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Inside the medical building (with tae)

Taehyung was in his classroom, attending the lecture physically, not mentally. Mentally his mind was roaming around food and yummy sweets he could possibly eat but won't as he was a 'man of his words' (basically stubborn as hell).

"Ugh...." Taehyung whispered to himself while rubbing his stomach as his stomach growled.

His angle side-"you should have eaten when Mai was bringing you the food"
His devil side-"yeah..and let my ego be hurt by my father" rather sarcastically.
His angle side-"if you refuse to eat, why not stay empty-stomach throughout the day?"
His devil side-"listen you little sh-"

Taehyung brushed off his thoughts away and tried focusing on the lecture again. Soon, he was busy trying to control his yawing. "Mr. Kim?" The doctor/teacher (who was teaching them) called out his name after seeing him not focusiing in the lecture. "Sorry sir." He said with an apologetic smile.

"I know that a lecture can make you all physically tired and if it's going on for straight two hours then you'll be needing a nap but Mr. Kim these are the topics that'll be helping you while doing operations so stay focused." Teacher said. "Yes sir" he mumbled enough for the teacher to here as he was sitting on the second bench.

And once again tried focusing on the lecture.

Culinary building (with kook)

"Yahh not like this I think spicy soup would be the best!!" Jimin told Jin.

They were deciding which kind of soup to make in the grander area of the university. The three had their notebook with themselves to write down the ingredients of the soup and then go bring them.

"Whyy? Cause I think sweet will do! We all know that chef likes sweets a little too much don't ya?" Jin reasoned. "But still I th-" Jimin was interrupted by Jungkook.
"Listen why don't we make sweet and sour kinda soup?" Jungkook said. Jin and Jimin thought for a second and agreed cause they knew jungkook was the best with sweet and sour soup.

"Alright lemme draw the structure of it then you just give instructions." Jimin said and started drawing. "Not this se-" Jin was interrupted by someone's laugh. "Ahahahahahhahaha what the hell is this?? Hahaha" Jack said from thier back. The three of them sighed heavily.

Jack, he and his two minions- Mina and Chloe. JMC was their group name. They were 3J's senior (who kinda failed their finals but passed somehow) and were participating in the competition cause who dosent want extra marks from the chef himself?

"Whats wrong JMC?" Jimin asked calmly yet you can see he was annoyed with them being there. "Your dawring, is looks..." Jack said. "Looks like trash" Chloe continued and they three laughed. "Why? Is your drawing divine or something?" Jin asked annoyed. "Ba-ba-babaa" Chloe and Mina imitated the drum rolls while Jack showed them their drawing, all three proud of what they were doing. "Damn it is divine..." Jin whispered to himself, but jack heard him.

"Merci~ uncle Jin dose have good eyes." Jack said provoking Jin. "What did you just call me you little piece of sh-" Jin was again interrupted by Jimin. "Just drawing would be good, who knows the taste of food?" He said. The three dramaticlly gasped. "We three, the JMC have been the topper of our class. We haven't merely gotten by like you, little jiminie" Mina said sarcastically.

"Know your place before saying something." Chole said smirking. "You three shouldn't participate in the compition." She added further. "Yeah, you should know how to make clear soup first rather then your 'SwEeT anD sOuR soUp' " Jack said and the three started laughing very loudly.

Jungkook was bustling in anger, he tore a page from his notebook, standing up and showed it in Jack's mouth. Jack gagged at it and coughed hard. "If you're done with your drawing then go submit it to the chef. Why pick on others? Don't you get enough prasings from others huh? Is that why you three are like this?? Huh??? You spoiled pork of-" Jungkook was ready to fight as Jimin and Jin started grabbing him from the back of else jungkook would have jumped on the JMC.

Everyone present in the garden was by now staring at the JMC and then being embarrassed by those words jungkook said quietly left the place.

Medical building (with tae)

"Come here Mr. Kim"...

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