Chapter 17

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Next day (Friday)
Around 8:30 PM:
At Jin's apartment:

The 3J'S were currently at Jin's apartment watching Super Moster Chef in their onesies and hands holding pop corn bowls. Well, their official plan was to study together for their next project but who are we kidding?

"And this is the face of our winner, our 200-time champion- Chef Kim Mingyu!!! The unconquerable, Super Moster Chef!!"
The host announced as they showed Mingyu holding a trophy and posing for the photos.

"200 times? That's insane~" Jungkook said. "Ask me about it. He's been a winner since I started at the Accounting Faculty and now I'm in third year in this course." Jin said scoffing and folding his hands.

"That's was like a century ago, Jinnie" Jimin said in a teasing tone. "Century? my foot!! I spent 3 years in engeneering, 3 in accounting and now 3 in culinary. That's total 9 years! Not century" Jin said.

"9 freaking years??? You could have gotten a doctorate degree." Jimin said. "I like studying, what's the issue? Unlike you who failed 10th grade once" Jin said in a taunting manner. "Yeah yeah yeah." Jimin said rolling his eyes.
(Ofcourse they were teasing each other, it's just thier teasing style is different)

"Are you mocking me-" Jin was cut off by Jungkook who stood up and said, "You two enjoy your fighting. I'll get going first. Need to prepare for my cooking lesson." As he went to collect his belongings from the dinning table where they sat to study for 2 hours.

"Eh? Cooking lesson??" Jimin said standing from his place and going behind Jungkook to peek from his shoulders to look at what he was doing. While Jinnie went to the kitchen to place the empty bowls of candies and pop corns in the dish-washer.

"Remember that med student who asked me to teach him how to cook? I've already said yes." Jungkook said still packing. "But you said that you completely turned him down" Jin said from the kitchen. Dinning table was attached with the kitchen.

"I asked for 90,000 won and he didn't seem to mind, so I didn't seem to mind teaching him either." Jungkook said looking across the dinning table at Jin who was busy doing something in kitchen and then at Jimin.

"You asked for 90,000 won and he agreed right away?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah" Jungkook said and nodded his head simply.

"There could be two reasons for that" Jimin said while walking across the table to the opposite side of Jungkook. "Which are..?" Jungkook asked busy finding his phone. "Either he likes you or likes you a lot!!" Jimin said slamming his hands on the table as he said the last words.

"That's the same thing. Besides, his family is rich; money is not a problem. He mentioned that." Jungkook said after staring at Jimin for a sec.
"Then why didn't you ask for more money?" Jin asked walking towards them while back-facing the kitchen.

"Nah, I already feel bad for asking this much, I even tried lessening the amount but he said that's it's 101% okay. I just want to cover up Chae's tution fees." Jungkook said.

"He likes you. You know? My radar is never wrong~" Jimin said. "What's wrong with you!?" Jungkook asked looking at Jimin weirdly. "And where the hell is my phone???!" He yelled, looking around and collecting everything on the table in order to find his phone.

*Tring* *tring*
Someone's phone buzzed. Thier head swept across the dinning table to the kitchen counter as it rang. Jin went to get the phone as he read the displayed name.

"Dr. Taehyung." He said. Jungkook wide his eyes and ran towards Jin while Jimin behind Jungkook to stop him by holding his arms from behind.

"What do we have here~~?" Jin said teasingly as he backed up when Jungkook tired reaching him while Jimin hold him from back. "Give it" jungkook said struggling to get free.
"Oh my my~ you saved his name as
Dr. Taehyung?" Jin said.

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