Chapter Forty-One: Alone again

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Chapter Forty-One 

History of Magic class would never get interesting—which was a shame because Matty loved history. But most classes turned into Professor Binns' long rambles about subjects they weren't even covering and most of the time, the actual lesson itself was only about five minutes before he began to ramble again.

Even with Professor Ronen consistently trying to convince Binns to brighten things up a bit, the class was still as boring as ever. Matty passed the time as like she usually did, staring at the giant stained-glass windows that were in the walls of the classroom. She avoided falling asleep because usually since Professor Binns was a ghost and couldn't do much to stop them from falling asleep to his rambles, he'd just simply phase straight through them.

It was an odd feeling—you couldn't actually feel him at all but it was more like this weird, cold, and disturbing sensation. So, to avoid that, Matty always tried her best to stay awake while in class. After all, no matter how much Professor Binns rambled on and on, it was respectful to try and stay awake during the class.

But thankfully, after much rambling, the class ended. It would be an understatement to say that a small portion of the class got up quickly and left since the majority of the students got out of there as soon as they could, even if they were half asleep. Amit was pretty much the only one who took his time since he was delicately reviewing his notes to make sure he hadn't missed anything. And Matty had to admire his dedication to a class she found very boring because of Professor Binns.

"Professor Binns' rambles never fail to put me to sleep, to be honest," Natty spoke as they were leaving the class. She didn't mean anything by it, his rambles just simply made her sleepy.

"I swear it's his voice," Nellie added. "It's so slow and has no excitement. That ghost could put a baby mandrake to sleep, I swear."

Natty and Matty got a good laugh out of that one. Nellie wasn't necessarily wrong either.

Thankfully, lunch was the next thing on their schedule so they headed off to the Great Hall. Matty felt quite a bit better than she had last week after getting back from Glenmore, although she was still exhausted, the bags and discoloration under her eyes were very visible but neither of her friends said anything, figuring she was already conscious enough about them. They simply hoped she was okay.

With many of the students being back now from their holiday, the Great Hall was much fuller now and back to its usual capacity. Matty took a seat at the Gryffindor table, right next to Natty while Nellie sat at the opposite side of them and moments later, Garreth slid in right next to Matty. To be completely honest, Matty wasn't all that hungry but she ate a little bit. She was never that hungry when she was stressed.

She was finished much quicker than the others but because of this, it meant she had some free time before the next class. First, she went up to her dorm to freshen up a bit. When she looked into the mirror, she visibly cringed at her appearance because of how exhausted she looked. "I didn't know it was THAT obvious," She thought to herself. Perhaps it was even more obvious since she had been acting rather sluggish recently.

She placed her wand down on her bed and sighed but she didn't want to just sit here and sulk so she told herself she should go for a walk. And before she could convince herself not to, she got up and left the dorm room, accidentally leaving her wand behind.

Making sure to grab a coat on the way out, she made her way outside of the castle. Even through the cold winter, nature had managed to hold onto some of its green but even the nature that had lost its green still looked beautiful in the snow.

She didn't know where she was going to go and honestly didn't care as long as she was back in time for her next class, so she just began to walk. She found herself walking through the old, covered bridge and off towards the forest. Some people hated the forest this time of year but she loved it year-round, it was calming to her.

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