Kill two birds with one stone.

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(A/n) Hi, I'm here to quickly inform you that this chapter contains gore and death. Read at your own risk.

“Honey, I'm home!” His voice sent chills down my spine. He was drunk and I was utterly terrified. In my condition I couldn't fight back, and it was obvious he was here to finish me off. I heard a big crash and knew he fell. I felt my pulse accelerate and my blood start pumping. I needed to leave... or at least hide.

“Pussy-Kat, where are you?” He cooed. I heard loud thumps growing closer. He was going up the stairs. I threw the blankets off of me and sat up, ignoring the sharp pain emanate from the middle of my stomach. I stood up, hanging onto the edge of the bed, squeezing my eyes shut, hoping the wave of sickness would wash away. After a moment, I realized it wasn't going to. I stood up, going as quickly as I could to the closet. Maybe I could hide under the clothes? Plus, there's a lock on the inside! I rushed in and closed the door quietly, locking it just as I heard my bedroom door open.

A loud laugh came from the man who created me. I sat on the ground, hoping to be less noticeable. I slowly crawled back into the hangers which held all of my shirts.

“Here, pussy, pussy, pussy,” His tone was that of a patient from an insane asylum. I saw his shadow move around my bedroom, tossing things across the room, breaking things. He was getting frustrated and I almost thought he'd leave until the shadow stopped at my closet door. The one thing separating me from him. Me from that monster.

“Kat, I know you're in there,” Derek hissed. He was pissed off and I knew I needed to find a way out. I quickly looked around the small closet as Derek tried to open the door. It was a simple lock and I knew it wouldn't hold for long. All he needed was a coin and I'd be dead.

My eyes fell upon a my underwear drawer. The closest one to the door. The one that also kept my gun safe. I scrambled towards it, my hands fumbling as I grasped the cool metal between my hands. The door burst open and I fell backwards. This was it. I was going to die. By the hands of my own father. A round of applause for Derek Tundras, everyone.

I looked at his face. He had a smug grin on and was holding something behind his back. He leaned down to me and whispered, “Sorry, babe, but we just can't have you running around blabbing to everyone that I shot you.”

He brought his right hand from behind his back to show me what he was holding. It was a knife. Pretty gruesome if you ask me. I'll still be alive for a couple minutes before I bleed out. And knowing him (which I don't), he'll probably stay until the finale, watching the life slowly dim from my eyes. The blood continue to pool out of my body.

My hands were shaking as I held the handgun behind my back. Why did it have to be me? I watched him lick his lips, like a lion would before devouring it's prey. Haha, who would've thought me, Kat Evelyn Huron, would be the prey in a situation like this. I let out a small laugh, causing him to lunge for me, and my blood run cold. Life felt like it was in slow motion. I pulled the gun, cocked it and shot. An ear piercing gun shot echoed across the house.

I felt Derek's weight rest on top of mine, and I let out a scream. The pressure of him on top of my wound felt like my stomach imploded. I stared at his limp body, biting my tongue, hoping not to make a sound. I felt like if I did he would get back up and finish what he came here to do. After a moment, I saw his arm twitch beside my torso. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was slowing down. Was I having a heart attack? I couldn't be. No, not at this time. I needed to make sure he was dead.

The pain in my stomach started to slowly fade away, and my brain began to shut off. Derek's arm raised up with the knife in his hand and, with great effort he looked up at me, bringing the knife down into my chest. I let out a scream, knowing it would hurt. I gripped the knife in both hands, eyes wide and tears streaming down my face.

Smiling, with his last breath, he whispered, “See you in Hell, Katrine.” His eyes lost their colour, and his head fell limp. I didn't know what to do. I was now wide awake and could feel the intensity of the blade lodged into my chest. I looked down it the black handle sticking out as the blood continued to seep out of the wound. Quickly, I looked at the white ceiling, managing to remember that I needed a phone. Why would I need a phone? Who would I call?

I turned onto my hands and knees, coughing up dark, red blood. I slowly crawled out of the closet and into the rest of my bedroom, leaving a trail of blood behind me. My arms wobbled and my knees shook but I had to get to the bed. Every muscle I moved sent a shockwave through my body. Suddenly my arms locked up and I fell forward, smashing my head off of the nightstand. I squeezed my eyes shut as black spots came into view. I let in a quick breath and felt the knife scrape against something, making my eyes snap open. I tried to move my arm up onto the bed, but fell over in the process. I started to cough, and ended up puking all over myself. My eyes filled with tears again as I gave one last push and grabbed the cell phone off of the bed. I fell back on my side and tried to breathe in and out. Barely able to see anything, I clicked the first number on the contact list, hoping to god they'd pick up.

Ring... The spots before my eyes came back.

Ring... The extreme pain coming from my torso started to feel numb.

Ring... I could no longer breathe in.

Ring... My mind grew fuzzy.

Ring... My body completely shut down.

Ring... I'm dead.

(A/N) Hallo Ou's! (Ou's is your new reader name. It's pronounced Ooo's... Deal with it.) I hope you like the cliffhanger! >:D Muhahahahaha! This chapter is short, but I thought I'd give you something. The next one will (hopefully) be up tomorrow because this should've been longer. About three pages and it's not so... :P Sorry! I hate long author's notes. I'll be leaving. Good day!

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