Sorry about your face, Pretty Boy!

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"YOU!" Damien shreeked, pointing a finger at someone behind me. I turned to look who he was pointing to and it seemed to have been Adrian. The poor guy looked like he just shit himself. Damien began to quickly advance towards him, so I jumped in front of him.

"MOVE!" He yelled, trying to push me away.



"Nope!" I replied popping the 'P'.

"I'm going to ask you one more time Katrine, MOVE!"

He really shouldn't have said that! I've told him once never to call me Katrine and he didn't listen. I decided earlier in my life to give people 3 freebies before I murder them. He's lost 2.

"Damien, I'm going to ask you one more time not to call me Katrine," I said sternly.

"Oh! Does that annoy you, Katrine?" He sneered.


I punched him straight in the jaw, causing him to stumble a bit. Then I stomped on his foot with my purple heels. As he bent over to grab his foot, I brought my knee to his face. When he looked up, a bruise was beginning to turn up on his right jaw and his nose was bleeding. Deciding that wasn't enough, I punched him in the eye, making him fall to the ground. I then kicked him in the side and kneeled down.

"I told you not to call me Katrine." I hissed, spitting on him.

As I walked out the door to leave I stuck my head in and yelled, "Sorry about your face, Pretty Boy!"

He really shouldn't have persuaded me. He should've known better. Should I be scared he'll tell someone? No. I mean what guy wants to be known as 'the one that got beat up by a girl'? It would totally ruin his bad boy rep.

I walked through the halls, trying to find the girls bathrooms. I really had to pee! I wandered aimlessly through the halls for what I can only assume as a half an hour. Just as I was about to give up, standing in front of me like a golden ticket, was the girls bathrooms. I sighed in relief. I honestly didn't think I could hold it in any longer. I walked inside and picked a stall, as I did my business I over heard two girls talking as they washed their hands.

"Did you hear about the new girl?" One of them asked the other.

"What new girl?"

"Her name's Kat. She is insane!"

"What? How?"

"She's been calling Mr. Darvis 'Sherlock' ever since she met him! And today, she threatened him!"

"That doesn't make her insane, Holly. That makes her a troublemaker!"

Oh my god! I clapped a hand over my mouth, so I didn't burst out laughing. A troublemaker?! HAHAHAHA! How prissy are these girls?

I stood up and flushed. Hearing the flush sent the two girls running out of the washroom. As soon as they shut the door I chuckled. I walked towards the sink and washed my hands. Looking into the mirror, I sighed.

I really should get Damien some ice...

I stepped into the office. Reliving a few memories that ended me up here from my old school. looked around. I spotted a young woman, probably in her 20's, sitting behind an old wooden desk. Her auburn hair was tied up into a messy bun and her nails were painted a bright green. She wore a green tanktop and a white cardigan from what I could see. She reminded me of someone familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I ignored the feeling and marched straight up to her. Offering my hand I said, "Hi, my name's Kat Huron and you should expect to see a lot more of me."

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