Daddy Issues.

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"Dad?" I asked the man. The only reason I knew what he looked like was because of a picture my mother smashed that I had to clean up. He looked young. Maybe 36? Probably because the jackass impregnated my mother at 16. Yes, my mother is a whore, I know this, but she wasn't the one who wanted an abortion. Yep. My own father wanted to kill me. Funny, huh? Never really think of abortions like that. When my mother said no, he left town. Sadly, he came back a year later, when I was already born. He helped my mother raise me until apparently I was old enough to take care of a heartbroken mother. I was 4. Now, my mother is a business woman with higher priorities than men. Me? Fat chance. I stared at the man that stood on the porch uncomfortably under my gaze. He had dark brown hair and bright green eyes. He was handsome, I'll admit, but he was also my dad. He wore a black leather jacket with a white shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans underneath. His shoes were scuffed and beaten. His nails were short from biting them. He breathed a heavy sigh before saying, "Katrine Evelyn Huron. My, you've certainly grown."

His words made bile rise in the back of my throat. It was a smooth tone of voice that you'd hear from a murderer. Even the words gave me shivers, but I was too angry to care. Of course I've grown, you cunt! It's been 14 fucking years! 14 years in which I had to explain why I didn't have a father. 14 years where you completely forgot about me! 14 years of my childhood where I should have been out with friends, but instead was waiting by the phone, hoping you'd at least remember my birthday! So, yeah, asshole, I've grown.

"Why are you here?" I seethed.

"Now, Katrine, that is no way to talk to your father," He smirked, thinking he had power over me.

"Well, it's not like I would know!"

I watched his eyes become slits and his hands clench at his sides. Instead of scaring me, this fueled the fire.

"Where were you all those years, huh? You were missing for 14 years. It must've been important. At least important enough to ditch your 4 year old child and her mother, without a job, or money. Important enough to completely forget about us. Wait, that's not true. You couldn't stand the thought of me. That's why you tried to convince mum to get an abortion right? So, when you left the first time, why'd you come back? You could've left and never came back. But what part of that sick little conscience told you to drive all the way back from the far corners of the earth to be with us? Did your drugs wear off? Or were you on such a high you actually produced some set of mind? Why-" Then Derek Levi Tundras hit his own daughter. He slapped her across the face in front of the whole neighborhood. Derek grabbed his daughters hair and yanked her back up to her feet, leaning in to tell her, "Shut up, you little whore. You don't get to ask questions. Now get your fat ass in the house before I drag you in."

I stood my ground, "No."

"Excuse me?" The disgusting man in front of me had on a look of disbelief. For a guy who just slapped his daughter, he shouldn't be surprised she does not want to be alone in a house with him.

I took a step back, "You heard me."

He stepped towards me, "Get. Inside. Now."

Derek tried to grab my arm but I pulled it away, swinging my right arm around to punch him in the face. As he went to cup his cheek, I kneed him in the balls. Then I ran to my mustang, hopping in and starting the engine, speeding away from there.

I watched streets pass by as I went faster and faster going over the speed limit. Suddenly I heard sirens following me closely. As I pulled over, I rummaged through my bag to find my id. When the cop came up to my window, I rolled it down.

"Miss, you were going 180 miles per hour in a 60 zone,"

"I'm sorry officer, I just needed to get to my mothers work, there's a strange man outside our house and I don't feel comfortable enough to go inside," I casually explained, showing a hint of fear to earn his trust.

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