Doctors and Dead Bodies.

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“Did you see that cashiers face?!” Brandon laughed as we got out of the grocery store. I had to stop and put my head between my knees to try to get some oxygen into my lungs. My stomach hurt from laughing.

“I... Can't... Believe you said that to her!” Chris wheezed, holding his stomach.

“'Do you like planes?'” I said to Blake, mimicking what Damien did only a few minutes ago.

“'Uh, sure, why?'” Blake replied in a high pitched voice, crossing his arms over his chest.

“'Cause I'd like to show you my helicopter,'”

Everyone started laughing all over again.

“What can I say? I'm a stud-muffin with the ladies,” Damien smirked, sending us into fits of giggles. It was weird, knowing that anyone of us could be killed at any moment for crossing a certain street, or looking at someone the wrong way, yet we're not cowering in fear. Instead we're out in the middle of the street laughing our asses off, having the time of our lives. Once we calmed down and started to head to the car, I asked Damien 'The Question'.

“So, Damien... Do you like Kat?” The boys broke out into 'ooh's' as we waited for his answer. I watched his face tinge pink. Whoa! Damien is most certainly not a blusher. If he was, he wouldn't get away with half the stuff he does.

“Oooh, he's blushing!” Chris cooed, before dodging a swing from Damien.

“Shut the fuck up, that crazy bitch?! She basically broke my dick!” Damien yelled as he pointed at his genitals. His face scrunched up in pain, remembering what happened only a few days ago. The rest of us laughed

“Whatever, loser,” Brandon laughed, pulling Damien in for a noogie. “If you don't want her, I'll gladly take her off your hands.”

I saw Damien's face contort with anger and his knuckles clench before he calmed himself an with a cool breath said, “Sure.”

It was strange seeing Damien like this. He barely knows the girl but he's acting like they're a married couple. Heh, that'd be weird. Damien and Kat. Kamien. Dat. Damat. Katien. Mr and Mrs Fosters. Mrs and Mr Huron. Mr and Mrs Furon. Mr and Mrs Hosters.

Chris pulled me out of my trance with a quick backhand to the head before yelling at me to, “Hurry my fat ass up, otherwise they're leaving me.”

I jogged the rest of the way to the car, hopping in the backseat with Brandon and Chris. The engine roared to life and Damien took a drag from his cigarette, offering it to me as he stared out the window. I took the smoke from him and inhaled the sweet addiction passing it to Brandon before telling Blake to turn up the music. 'Highway to Hell' came on and we all started laughing as Brandon tried to sing along. There was a numb buzz on my leg and I pushed my hand into my jean pocket to figure out what it was coming from. I pulled my phone out and saw that Kat was the person causing my phone to ring.

“Dude, turn down the music!” I yelled.


“Turn down the music, cuntface. I'm getting a call!” I shrieked, answering Kat with the press of a button. The music slowly turned down to a whisper and I put the phone up to my ear.

“Hey Kat, what's up?” I asked, unable to hear her voice.

There was no response so I asked again, “Hello?”

Now I could hear faint noises coming from the other line. It sounded like wheezing?


“Kat are you okay?” There still was no sound to be heard other than the awful wheezing noise and by now I was getting seriously concerned.

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