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Few days before durks birthday

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Few days before durks birthday

I sigh shrugging ay india "naw I ain't been over to see him only at studio and shit but"

"he ends up having to leave early fo ha and we really just text but I'm still tryna trust"

"he's not fuckin on her" I mumble drinking my smoothie "that's why you not goin Chicago"

"no more you worried he finna cheat when you leave" I roll my eyes "No the reason"

"I hada go been sorted folksnem cleared shit out fo me ion gotta go i hada sort Some shit"

"in streets straight but shit coo and block hot wit feds I can't hit shit I gotta hit right"

"now it much of a risk and imma rapper now I can do nun that" "yea cause ion want"

"yo ass in jail you doing better in life that's last thing you should be focused on remember"

"you go back you not coming back ight" I roll my eyes nodding and she hits my arm

"anyways I gotta plan lets go" I chuckle nodding I get up from her stool and she

grabs her bag and keys calling someone "hey what are you doing" "ok great"

"we having girls day you sza and Riley meet me at the mall in thirty minutes" "ok bye love ya"

she put her phone down and starts driving "I ain't really in mood to shop indi"

she rolls her eyes at me "I genuinely don't give a fuck bout what you in mood for"

I sigh just starting out the window since durks baby momma been here we barely been

able to talk or meet up or just be each other and we don't text anymore and errything

just feels really off between us I guess india had noticed cause she made me come

over to her house to talk about it and I ended up just telling her errything and how

I felt we wasn't fucking wit each other anymore and I genuinely just miss his company

and I just really miss him honestly he be leaving studio early fo shawty he leave

straight after events and meets he don't wanna go clubs and shit he can't come to my crib

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