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« from stranger to friends... »


It was a late sunday morning. I was training in a calm and quiet spot in the forest by myself. I wanted to be able to use my powers in a fight. I am still hoping to be able to go on a quest someday, so, my powers can be an advantage for me and my quest mates. That is why I decided to learn how to manage my powers in case I need to use them in a fight.

after finishing my training, I went back to camp to eat lunch with Clarisse.

We were sitting at a table eating while also talking about the future « capture the flag » game. Since I was the only one in my cabin, I had to chose if I wanted to be on the red team, Clarisse's team, or on the blue team, Annabeth's team. Since the two of them were my close friends, I always switch teams. For example, last year I went on Annabeth's team so this year I will go on Clarisse's.

After lunch, we just decided to have a talking session with Annabeth in my cabin. We talked about everything : the trainings, our situation with our parents, life at camp, and obviously, Grover's mission.

He was in New York since last month to help a new demigod find his way to camp. We missed him a lot and decided to organize him a « welcome back » party when he will return.

The only thing was, we didn't know when he will. His mission took longer than he imagined since the young demigod was not really ready to come.

That's the only news we had of Grover's situation.

So we were miles away from thinking that his return would be tonight.

8:45 pm

I was getting ready for bed since I was really tired lately. Lacy, an Apollo child who was also one of my best friends here decided to sleep in my cabin with me because I hated to be alone in this big and quiet place.

We were asleep. We slept for what felt like 10 hours when I heard a loud bang on the door. I woke up with my head spinning. Chiron entered the cabin and asked Lacy to come immediately with him to the infirmary.

Since Apollo was the god of healing. His children were in charge of the infirmary.

I decided to gather some warm clothes to bring to Lacy.

I entered the quiet infirmary and searched for Lacy. She was standing in a corner of a room taking care of a patient. I came towards her and gave her the warm clothes while she was doing her job.

« Klea. You will never guess what happened »

« You're scaring me »

« Look at the bedside table »

There was what seemed like a huge corn laying on the bedside table.

« And what is this supposed to be ? »

« Klea, it's a minautor corn. This kid just killed a minautor, all alone. »

My first reaction was to quietly laugh. A kid killing a minautor ? He didn't even looked like someone from here. I didn't recognize his face, and I know everyone here so who is this kid ?

« okay but who is he even ? »

« I think his name is Percy from what I understood. He's the kid Grover was taking care of. »

What ? So wait, he was Percy. He killed a minautor ? But he wasn't even trained ? He didn't even knew he was a half blood ? He seemed so, weak. I couldn't believe it. But my mind was more preoccupied by the fact that if he is the kid Grover was taking care of, and if he is laying here, that meant that Grover was here ! And in good condition since he wasn't laying on an infirmary's bed.

I waved at Lacy, letting her do her work and taking one last look at this Percy kid unconscious on a bed. He had messy curly hair. He had mud on his clothes and a bit on his face. He seemed peaceful, I was miles away from knowing what happened to him.

I went back to my cabin to sleep. At first I wanted to go check if Grover was here, but tiredness got to me. I decided to go check on Grover tomorrow morning, letting him time to rest.

But I was still thinking about this guy, Percy. If he really did kill a minautor. I bet he was an Ares child, or maybe an Artemis kid. All I knew is that, Clarisse wouldn't be happy with him taking the spotlight off of her.

But you know what, tomorrow is a new day, isn't it what we say ?


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