Janitors Closet

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"I wonder where Len went." I mumbled to myself.

Class had already started, and Len still wasn't back.

"Sensei," I raised my hand," can I use the restroom please?"

"Yes, you may." She responded.

I shot up out of my seat, and rushed out the door.

I looked through all the bathrooms and couldn't find Len in any of them. I searched the court yard, and gym, and there was still no trace of him.

"If I were a Len, where woud I hide?"

Then, walking through the halls, I noticed a familiar looking door.

"Janitors closet" the sign read, and I quickly opened the door.

Sure enough, there was Len sleeping on the floor of the janitors closet. He was sound asleep, so I hoped the ruckus I caused from opening the door didn't wake him.

I closed the door behind me, and sat down right next to him.

"He looks so peaceful when he's asleep," I said to myself, "he's kinda cute too."

I studied his face while he slept, and found that a slight tear was escaping the corner of his left eye.

I wiped it off, and moved some the hair blocking his eyes away.

"He's so cute when he's asleep..." My mind said.

"Wait... What am I saying?!" My brain shot back.

"Len and I are only friends! Just really good friends! I think no more of him than a friend!"

I banged my head on the nearby wall to try to make the feeling go away.

I glanced back at Len to see if I had woken him up, but that just made my face heat up even more.

"Just look away Rin... Just look away..." I said as I turned around.

"There... That's better." I whispered relieved.

I tried to think of other things besides Len, but for some reason my mind kept going back to that sleeping image of Len behind me.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, I heard Len whisper,"Lenka."

I froze.

"Lenka... I love you..." He faintly said.

The words stabbed through my chest like knives, and for some reason, I was experiencing chest pain.

"So he's on love with someone else?" I looked down depressed.

"Why am I so depressed? Why do I feel so sad? What is this feeling and why do I feel this way?"

So many questions poured into my mind like water, but I couldn't find an explanation to any of them.

Then suddenly I felt something wet on my hand, and one more question filled my mind.

"Why am I crying?"

Tears fell down my face like pouring rain. My chest felt as if it was stabbed seven times, and to make matters worse, I felt like throwing up.

"Lenka... Lenka..." I heard him say.

"He must really miss this girl" I thought.

I turned around and saw that Len was on the verge of waking up.

Thinking as fast as I could, I had no choice but to hug him.

I had to hide my face from him somehow.

"Lenka.. No!!" I heard him yell.

He had just woken up, and I could hear him panting next to me. I could tell he was having some sort of nightmare.

"It's OK," I said," I'm here and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving you. But its OK now. You have me and I'm here for you."

"Rin," he moaned sadly.

"You can cry. It's OK."

Now his tears fell in waterfalls. He was crying a river, but there was not much I could do to help bit keep him company and hug him.

I'm useless.

"So," I thought sadly," he loves this girl so much, he would cry a frickin river over her. She's one lucky girl."

"This 'Lenka' girl must really be something." Small tears fell as I tried my best to hold them back.

The fact that I was hugging Len made that easier, but backfired from my main objective.

"I'm the one who's suppost to be comforting Len, not the other way around..." I told myself.

"It's OK...

It's OK...." I told him.

I hugged tighter.

What Len didn't know, was that I was crying as much as he was in that moment.



Hey guys! Redninja here, and here's the heads up for the next two weeks. I'm going to be volunteering at my church for some vbs stuff, so I'm going to be busy for this upcoming week.

Also next week, I'm going to a SUMMER CAMP!!!! But idk if they have WiFi so I'll try my best.

To sum it up, I won't be updating for about two weeks, so I'm very sorry about that.

*sheds tears*

I hope this chapter makes up for that, and untill then please don't kill me about not updating.

Thank u for understanding!

Channa! ••••

Also remember to:




Thank you for reading!!

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