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Rin Pov

Once we had both stopped crying, I made sure it wasn't obvious that I was crying, then pulled back.

"We better get going, Len" I smiled,"we already missed first period."

"Yeah. Sensei is probably mad." He replied.

The two of us stood up and began exiting out on our way to get our things from first period.

When we entered, the room was empty and our bags sat in the quiet room.

We quickly collected our things and hurried over the second period. I was so glad sensei had prep period second!

Time seemed to pass ever so slowly today for some reason. It felt as though lunch break would never come.

Maybe it was because of what happened in the janitors closet.

The scene replayed over and over again in my brain like a broken record, and the thought of Lenka clung to my brain like gum stuck to a shoe.

"I know I shouldn't be sad about len liking someone else," I thought," but I love him too."

I remember reading those shojo mangas about the love triangles and what not, but I didn't expect it to happen to me!

It's funny, I love reading shojos all the time, in fact I'm addicted to them, but once I'm consumed into a drama myself, I have no idea what to do.

The bell for lunch finally rang, and I gathered my things for lunch.

As I exited to the lunchroom, I heard someone call my name in the distance.

"Hey, Rin!" It was kaitos voice," come and eat with us!"

I turned around and saw all of the gang smiling at me kindly.

I smiled back at them," hey guys."

"Join us for lunch, Rin! How about it?"

I looked down slowly and thought about how Len and I sat together every day. He was the only one who sat by me even on my very first day. He was always there for me.

Then I remembered lenka.

She's probably the one Len sat by before I came along.

She's probably the one who doesn't cause Len trouble.

She's probably the one who len would choose over me.

After all, she is the one who Len loves.

I looked up at them and made my decision.

"I dont think Len will care if I'm gone a day, sure, I'll go eat with you guys."

A Melancholy Love Story (RinXLen Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now