Chapter Nine

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Flora and Fauna

You remember things going pretty smoothly by the time the second week rolled around. Sure, you still stood by the mindset that you did enjoy the company of the household and the overall vibe, but things grew a bit weird. It wasn't a horrible first week by any means, but there was a lingering suspicion coming from all directions by the end of it.

For instance, your little sessions in the garden with Fai turned from quiet flower talk and advice to him asking about your lifestyle. Mostly things you wouldn't pay attention to, or necessarily think to be important to the household, like your diet and exercise. Fai also asked about your health before you turned, but you drew the line there, stating how incredibly personal that was. He'd continue to be a bit pushy through the rest of the week, and eventually you just stopped hanging around him all together.

Francis had also been a bit weird, but you didn't know much about him to really tell the difference between what was normal or not for the man. He watched what you ate a lot, often asking to double check the blood bags you used for some inconspicuous reason. You never really asked why, but it was implied someone had a special mixture or whatever, so you didn't feel the need to. Adam did this a bit as well, but his implications were often the opposite of Francis's.You didn't know who to believe, and just felt odd eating around anyone.

Simply put after such a drastic turn around, you didn't trust all of them, and a majority of the coven didn't trust you either.

Grant and Charles were excluded from this of course, seeing as both men seemed harmless and they obviously saw you the same way. However, Fai, Francis, Miguel, and Adam all held you in a certain regard. They weren't afraid to show a bit of snobbery and quite a few backhanded remarks. It felt demoralizing for a while, but you quickly grew close to Fai once again and came to a mutual understanding with the grumpy Englishman. However, that was as far as you could get within seven days.

"Are you seriously bringing her over today?" Miguel asked at lunch, sitting in the middle of the table, between Grant and Fai. He was as far as he possibly could be from you, but you weren't alone in this shunning. Adam seemed to also be receiving the cold shoulder in a much more disrespectful manner. The younger vampire refused to look at his elder when he spoke.

Said male huffed with bushy eyebrows crinkled and eyes stressed, "She is my fiancée Miguel. I have to see her sometime," He took a drink from his cup, lips curling at the taste, "If you don't like it you can always stay in your room, or leave for the day."

"Yeah, like any of these assholes are willing to take me out," Miguel's snarky response sent Francis's eyes rolling. The Englishman still carried the remnants of the night upon his face, with dark black under circles and fresh morning acne paying a weird tribute to a starry night sky, "Besides, I shouldn't have to. I live here, she doesn't," He said with an attitude. It was pretty obvious he was trying to get a reaction from the coven head, but all he really seemed to be doing was just causing stress to everyone at the table. Especially Grant, who couldn't help but shift in his seat every time a word left his neighbor's lips.

"And she will eventually live here too. You'll have to live with it," Adam replied.

The tension between the two was a constant in the house. Even well past your first year, the oldest and youngest were always fighting; always disagreeing. Whilst Miguel was the main instigator, Adam never really ended anything. He would fuel the flames as long as he could rather than outright use his authority to end the squabbling. It was an annoying issue, yet too minor for you to really complain.

"Whatever," The younger male said, standing up and knocking back his chair. He didn't bother picking it up before he stomped out of the dining room, straight back into the kitchen. There was a clatter of pots and pans, with a crash following not too far after. You're pretty sure the glass cup he was carrying had been shattered to pieces.

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