Chapter Twelve (The Past)

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A Gift

When you reached your destination, you couldn't help but be a bit surprised at the interior. The dining room had transformed over the course of three hours. It was pretty impressive. What had once been a beautifully pristine domain changed into a mess of papers, colorful pens, and craft supplies. If you weren't going to be working in the environment, you might have applauded the woman responsible for her destructive skills.

"Good day Miss Flora," Isabella remarked, standing at the entrance of the dining room. You hadn't seen the woman, but by the way your guide had acted and how the strong scent of rose permeated the air, you were pretty sure she did exist in your vicinity.

"Oh!" A voice, one you presumed to be hers, yelped. The direction of the noise led you to the bottom of the rectangular table cloth, and soon enough a rather lanky form came crawling out from underneath the table. You could tell she was frazzled and a bit embarrassed too, but she quickly brushed that all off in favor of moving upward. In her arms there was a thick stack of unorganized papers varying in sizes and colors. There was one vague resemblance of neatness though, with a few tabs placed in between the sheets of her paper stacks. You did notice that the labels were written in a hasty font, with little stickers decorating each one. It wasn't exactly much, but you could appreciate the fact there was an attempt.

The lady, whose face delicately sported some light makeup, lifted the extra weight as if it were nothing, plopping it onto the crowded furniture with a smile, "Hello!"

She sounded cheerful. Light and airy; a striking contrast against the dark furniture and jagged art of the room. Her smile brightened the atmosphere, making you feel a little more comfortable than when you first stepped into the room. It was strange, but automatically thought you could trust her. Which wasn't exactly odd. Most vampires had such an effect on their prey.

Isabella nodded towards her, taking the greeting as her cue to leave. Instinctively, you turned to protest. Being left alone with a stranger wasn't exactly safe in your world. Yet, when you searched for your security, you found no one. The elder had seemingly vanished down one of the many corridors behind you.

That left you alone to face the bubbly situation before you.

Flora was beautiful to say the least. With sparkling brown eyes, natural curls, and deep warm skin, she reminded you of a dazzling gemstone. It was as if someone took a crown jewel and formed a body around it, creating a being worthy of awe. She was perfect in every sense of the word, her silhouette harboring the coveted hourglass shape and her legs long. Despite how little time you'd spent in her presence, you could tell her personality matched the exterior. One in a million.

Yet, the woman wasn't someone you'd expect Adam to marry. Right off the bat you could tell she wasn't exactly neat or incredibly rigged like Adam. That wasn't exactly bad outside of the situation, but with him you could see things getting a bit messy. Flora seemed carefree. Too much so for a person as stuck up as your coven's head. Due to this, you didn't expect to see someone like her here. In fact, you thought you were going to be receiving some prissy pure blood. The vampire equivalent of a trust fund baby. That was what you felt Adam would go for, because that's what he is.

"You must be (Y/n)! Nice to meet you!" Her coily hair bounced with every step. You can remember her movements were filled with excitement, as if she was glad to meet your acquaintance. It was a nice change for once, "I assume you know I'm Adam's fiancée, Flora, so I'll get right to it," She took your hand too quickly for you to even process, "Thank you so much for the help. As you can see, right now I'm a mess. I've been doing all the planning on my own because Adam is so busy," Adam was always busy. Between his business ventures, coven duties, and the junk his father shoved onto his plate, the man couldn't catch a break. It made sense why he liked having structure in the house and also why he tried to be as non confrontational as possible, less work. Even if that meant sacrificing personal relationships, "I thought I could manage but it's just so much work."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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