Chapter 7.

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"Are you sure we have everything, Eloise?"

"Cheetos, Sour Patch Kids, salt and vinegar chips, amongst a shit ton of other things? Check. Blankets? Check. Working LED lights that I had to buy because somebody stepped on the old ones and snapped them in half? Check."

"Oh c'mon, I thought you were over that."

"That's twenty dollars I'll never get back and you know it."

Eloise let out a rather distressing squawk as the pillow I chucked at him hit him square in the face, causing him to fall back onto the couch with a series of giggles. I rolled my eyes, turning back to the small coffee table that housed our large array of snacks for the evening, biting my lip as I considered if I should've gotten more.

And that was saying something, because Eloise and I had gone all out earlier when buying snacks for this evening. I ended up spending much more of Eloise's money than he had wanted to, all so that Matthew wouldn't think we were cheap.

My heart fluttered a bit at the thought of Matthew, sparing a glance for the billionth time down the hallway that led to the front door, trying to see if I could spot his truck parked out in the driveway.

"Elliot, for the last time, he's not here yet." Eloise scoffed after peeling himself off the couch, an angry red spot in the middle of his forehead from my pillow assault. "We agreed on a seven thirty start time. It's just now seven."

"I know! I know. I'm just.. God, I'm so excited!" I let out what had to be an extremely girlish squeal, coming over to wrap my arms around Eloise and shake him rapidly.

"And I'm excited for you." Eloise chuckled, ruffling up my hair good-naturedly. "But for the love of god, sit down and relax. You remind me of my mom before one of her elaborate dinner parties she held back when she was still a part of that fancy country club."

I gave him a weird look.

"Like a chicken with your head cut off." He finished, deadpanning.

I smiled a bit, pushing his shoulder.

"Sorry. I just want everything to be perfect, y'know?" I sighed, rubbing at my face as I did one last look around at our movie-night setup.

My couch had several blankets and pillows tossed across it, the small coffee table in front of it filled to the brim with the most junky, sugar filled food any teenager could ask for. The small TV mounted on the wall already had our chosen movie pulled up, Wall-e, of all things.

Don't judge. Matthew asked for it, not me.

I finished my visual run-through by panning back towards Eloise, who had fixed me with an unamused raised eyebrow. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"C'mon, sit down." He waved me over to the couch where he sat down with a plop, stretching his pajama-clad legs out and tucking his hands behind his head. I reluctantly followed suit, though I felt like I was on pins and needles instead of a plush blanket.

"So," Eloise hummed out in question, his eyes flickering towards me briefly. "How're things with your mom?"

That certainly put a damper on my mood. It had been over a week since our huge argument, and things hadn't really improved since then. Part of it was my fault, since I had been avoiding her like the plague any time she wanted to talk, but really, could you blame me? God's sake, the woman acted like I had committed a crime against humanity.

"We still haven't spoken," I answered him finally with a sigh, slouching against the back of the couch, clutching a nearby pillow to my chest. "I've kinda just been avoiding her."

"You can't keep hiding from her forever." Eloise chastised lightly. "You need to talk eventually."

"I know that.." I trailed off. "Just. Soon, okay? I'll fix things with her soon. All I need is a bit more time."

"Good." He gave me a small smile which I returned. "Speaking of, when is she coming back?"

"She's at work. She won't be back until morning."

"That's a relief. It's always so weird when she crashes our movie nights."

I laughed at the face he made, shaking my head. He had a point though- whenever our movie nights fell on one of her days off, she made a point to join us. Which wouldn't be so bad if she didn't feel the need to make commentary throughout the entire movie.

"I think she just likes spending time with us, Eloise."

"Doesn't she have friends her own age? Like, fellow knitting club members? Or how about the I-like-to-ruin-movies-with-my-voice association attendees?"

"Now you're just being mean!"

"You know I'm right!"

We fell into a laughing fit, giggles escaping our mouths. I let my head drop on Eloise's shoulder, rolling my legs up onto the side of the couch. We were silent for a spell, but strangely enough, it wasn't a bad type of silence. You know, the type where nobody knows what to say, so you awkwardly tap on your phone, or pretend to be really interested in the carpet patterns.

It was the kind where we were able to be comfortable against one another, where I listened to the gentle pitter-patter of his heart as it drummed against his chest in a repeated motion. The wind blew loudly outside, an apparent promise of snow in the upcoming days, if the weatherman on the news channel knew how to do his job, anyways.

It was peaceful.

Or at the very least, it was. For about thirty seconds.

Because then the doorbell rang, and the speed at which I leapt up into the air and bounded across the floor towards the front door could've rivaled Usain Bolt himself. I must've accidentally hit Eloise in my rambunctious endeavor, if the pained yelp he let out was any indication.

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