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Uhm. Haha. Hello!

So it's been.. awhile. I'm sure some of you are wondering wtf happened.

To put it simply: I'm not finishing this. If that's not already obvious. There won't be anymore chapters from here on out. (Not that it really matters, since the story was almost complete anyways.)

FWTF is a very, VERY badly written story. Most of the characters are one dimensional and have very little to no personality (cough Matthew cough) and a lot of the chapters and plot is just.. not good. And I'm aware of that, and every time I try and sit down and write anymore of this, It feels like I'm wading through a pool of shit trying to write more shit.

Not to say I'm not proud of FWTF. It was my first (and unfortunately, incomplete) attempt at writing an entire novel, start to finish. While I'm sad I didn't quite get there, I am proud of the fact I actually had a beginning, rising action, climax, falling action, and ending planned out, which is more than I can say for any other project I've started.

I'm not done writing in general- just done writing on Wattpad. I'm hoping to get a work published, not anytime soon, but in the next couple of years while my writing matures into something I'm more proud of. I want to give myself more time to plan. To realize my own mistakes, to not rush through the chapters like I did with FWTF.

Because, being 100% honest here, 99.9% of FWTF's chapters were written all at once, in one sitting, late at night (like around 10 pm - 2 am) when I was on crunch time to get another chapter out. SO.. not my best work. LOL.

Elliot, Eloise, and Matthew will forever have a space in my heart, for however poorly written and characterized they were. The things I learned and the mistakes I made with them will hopefully help me become a better writer, and to that, I'll always be grateful to them.

I want to thank all the people who read this- especially to those who took time to comment on chapters and tell me their thoughts. It was always lovely to read those. The fact I managed to get 100 reads on this thing, let alone 3.2k (and still climbing!) is an amazing feat. Thank you all.

I'm sorry I won't be able to finish this for you guys.. but let's be honest. We all knew where it was going anyways.

But I am the author. And because I am and I can do what I want, I hereby canonize that Elliot and Matthew never worked out and Eloise and Elliot became the happiest loveliest couple in the world (because let's be real, they had way more chemistry then Elliot and Matthew ever did) this one's for you, wh4twh0wh3n 

 Veronica and Matthew go to couples therapy and get married and have 3 beautiful children.

And they all lived happily ever after. Or something. 

Five Weeks to Forever [BxB] (WILL NEVER BE FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now