Chapter 2.

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"No fucking way! You're partnered with THE Matthew Stolar?"

It wasn't until the next morning when I told Eloise the news. As promised, I had gotten him his Wendy's and caramel sundae after breaking him out of detention. I was originally planning on bringing it up then, but true to his nature, he had gone on a thirty minute ramble about Newsies, and I never got the chance to say anything.

"Like, I get why they cast him to be the main character," he had said, licking ice cream off of his lips. "But he's just so ugly! And I have a better falsetto than him, besides."

Now it was ten A.M on the following day. Eloise had just rolled out of bed, his hair a mess and his voice all groggy. He was loudly chomping down on a bowl of surgery cereal while he facetimed me. I couldn't see what brand it was due to how close the phone was to his face, but judging from the overly saturated flashes of color I saw when he lifted his spoon up to his mouth, it was either Froot Loops or Fruity Pebbles.

"Dude," I glanced back at my phone, which was perched up against a pillow in my bed while I sorted through my closet, "Aren't your parents home? You can't be cussing like that."

"Naw. They're out yard sale shopping." He replied, slurping his milk obnoxiously. "I got the house all to myself, baby. Gonna play GTA V on our living room TV and walk into a strip club, or something."

"You don't even own GTA V." I snorted, yanking a sweater off of its hanger and inspecting it. "If you did, your parents would ground you for six months straight again."

Eloise, unfortunately, had some pretty strict evangelical parents. They had a bunch of dumbass rules he had to follow, and he got dragged to church every sunday. He had convinced me to come along with him once or twice, and to be honest, I have no idea how he managed to do it every week. All it is is some old fart standing up at a pew for an hour and a half, lecturing the congregation on how awful people they were, and how only some big sky daddy upstairs could save you.

Which was a load of shit, because if God really wanted to save me, He would've made me six foot two with rock hard abs.

The last time Eloise had gotten grounded for six months was after his parents found out he was skipping the church service to go make out with one of the deacon's sons in the bathroom. When his parents asked him 'what the hell he was thinking', he had said,

"I prayed and asked God, and He said it was perfectly fine!"

Which didn't help him in any way, it just got him extra in trouble for blasphemy.

"God, don't talk about that. Literally the worst period of my life ever."

While Eloise left his phone on his dining room table to go wash his empty bowl, I plucked out a few more articles of clothing from my closet, tossing them onto a chair in the corner of my room.

"Okay, I'm stuck between this sweater or this flannel." I held up the two tops to my phone once Eloise had gotten back. He squinted at his screen, commanding me to move them this way and that so he could see the options from different angles.

"Depends on what bottoms you're wearing with them." He decided after a while.

"I was just gonna wear my corduroys."

Eloise wrinkled his nose at that.

"Really? Corduroys?"

I frowned, laying the sweater and the flannel shirt on my bed as I shifted through my pants drawer.

"Yea, what's wrong with corduroys?"

"Corduroys are like.. First date material. You don't want to look like you're trying too hard."

"So what should I wear? Sweats?"

"God, no!" Eloise shouted, making me jump and whip around to pin my phone with a glare. "You're going to his house for a school project, not a slumber party."

"Then I don't know what to wear!"

Eloise stuck his tongue out comically, thinking for a moment, before he snapped his fingers.

"Do you still have those bell bottomed jeans I let you borrow during halloween?"

I looked back down to my drawer, digging around a bit before finding the jeans he was referring too. They were a bit bleached, tighter up in the thighs before flaring out at the calf and ankle. He had let me use them because I had wanted to dress up as a hippie.

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