The First Day At Hope's Peak

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You wake up in an empty classroom, no one in sight.
You quickly stand up and carefully inspect your surroundings before exiting the classroom.

As you continue down the halls, you eventually reach the gymnasium; the noise of chatter echoes through the hall as you open the door.

You enter the room, seeming unfazed by the amount of people standing there before you.
You stand there with your arms crossed, and a monotone expression on your face.

Everyone's eyes gazed upon the direction of the doors to the gymnasium; and to their surprise, a student was standing there.

You glance in their general direction with the same monotone expression on your face, a few moments go by and no one has said anything since you entered the room. You sigh and slowly shake your head as these words escape your mouth "What, are you all just going to stand there and do nothing? Do something productive, would you?"

Your stare is piercing through the students as your eyes gaze upon them

"What, are you all seriously going to stand there and do nothing? Tch, fools."
You said, while maintaining your monotone expression.

Kiyotaka suddenly walks up to you and reaches his hand out to shake yours
"Hello there! I am Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the Ultimate Moral Compass!"
He says in a friendly tone, but you can tell that he's nervous to talk to you.

You look at him with the same monotone expression on your face, as you begin to utter two words. "(Y/N) (L/N)". Your arms remain crossed, seemingly declining his handshake.

Kiyotaka makes a face of shock as he hears your name, he starts slowly walking backwards away from you as he speaks in a stutter.
(Y/N)..(L/N)..?- The- The Ultimate-

You cut off his words before he can say anything else "Yes, that's my name. You don't have to repeat it again." You say in a cold tone as you roll your eyes. "If you're going to introduce yourself to me, do it now; and don't waste my time." You said in your cold voice.

One by one, each student comes up to you and introduces themselves. A tall man with brown hair that looks like it has never been combed comes up to you first and gives a wave. "Hey! I'm Yasuhiro Hagakure, the Ultimate Clairvoyant! Pleased to meet you, miss..?"

You cross your arms and begin to say "(Y/N) (L/N), Ultimate Physician."
Yasuhiro replied "A physician? What's that? It sounds cool!"
You facepalm as you say "I'm a doctor." Yasuhiro nods his head, seemingly understanding now. "Ohh, that's awesome! If I ever get hurt I know who I'll go to!" He says as he has a huge smile on his face, and then walks away.

A group of girls walk up to you, seemingly to introduce themselves. One of the girls wearing running shoes and a track jacket spoke first. "Hi! I'm Aoi Asahina, the Ultimate Swimming Pro! It's nice to meet you!" "The name's (Y/N) (L/N), Ultimate Physician." You said in your usual tone
Then another girl spoke up not long after. "Hi, I'm Sayaka Maizono, the Ultimate Pop Sensation! It's great to meet you, I hope we can become best friends!" She said enthusiastically.

"Hey, I'm Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Fashionista. Nice to meet you." She said with a smile on her face.
"I-I'm Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate's nice to meet you (Y/N)." She said in a shy tone.

"I'm Sakura Ogami, the Ultimate Martial Artist. It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)." She smiled slightly.

"M-My n-name is..T-Toko Fukawa..the Ultimate Writing Prodigy.." She said and then looked away.

"My name is Celestia Ludenberg, Celeste for short. I am the Ultimate Gambler." She said in a seemingly unrealistic sounding accent.
"Come on, girls! Let's go introduce ourselves to the others!" Aoi said in a cheery voice and the group walked away

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