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Six hours later, the morning announcement began to play "Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!" You sit up in your bed and you gently wipe your eyes as you slowly start to wake up. You get out of bed and immediately walk into the restroom to wash your face and get ready for the day.

"Ugh, I really don't want to be around all of those cretins today.." You said to yourself. You walk to the closet and open it, looking for an outfit to wear. You see a pair of black slacks, a white dress shirt, a suit jacket, and a neck-tie. You also see a pair of..scrubs? "Well, I am the Ultimate would make sense that I'd have scrubs in here." You think to yourself.

You put on the black slacks, white dress shirt, suit jacket, and neck-tie. Then walked to the bathroom to brush your hair. "I'd usually be listening to music while I get ready for the day, but I suppose I can't do that here.." You think to yourself, as you shake your head. You finish brushing your hair, and you put it in a fishtail braid. You then pick up your toothbrush and toothpaste, and you squeeze some onto your toothbrush. You brush your teeth for a few minutes, and then rinse your toothbrush with water. "Ah, all ready for the day.." You think to yourself.

You put on your socks and shoes, and then exit the dorm, locking it behind you. You see the hallway is empty, you assume that people are getting ready for the day, or they're already in the dining hall. You begin walking to the dining hall, quietly singing to yourself. You open the door to the dining hall and walk in, no one is there yet, so you decide to make yourself breakfast before anyone comes.

"Ah, peace and quiet..for now at least.." You say to yourself. "Oh, well. Time to make some breakfast." You go to the kitchen and you grab a frying pan and put it on the stove, and then turn the stove on. You open the refrigerator and grab 4 eggs. You grab a bowl and begin to crack the eggs in it. You take a whisk and begin to stir the yolks and egg whites together. You take a loaf of bread and you take out four slices, and you put them in the toaster for one minute. You take the bowl of eggs and you put them in the frying pan, you grab a spatula and begin to mix the eggs around in the frying pan. After a few minutes, your eggs scramble and you put them on a plate with your toast. You set the plate aside, and you put your dishes in the sink. You begin to quickly, but thoroughly wash the dishes that you used and then put them away. You grab your plate, and you walk out of the kitchen to the dining hall to find a place to sit.

As you exit the kitchen and into the dining hall, you notice Byakuya sitting at a table with only two chairs, he seems to be reading a book. You walk over to him and sit down on the remaining chair across from him. "Good morning, Book-akuya." You said jokingly. He looks up from his book and at you with a slight smile on his face. "Good morning (Y/N), did you sleep well?" He said with the same smile on his face. "I slept well, thank you. And yourself?" You asked in a polite tone. "I slept well too, I did wake up a few times throughout the night, though." He said in his usual voice.

Suddenly, the dining hall door opens and all of the students enter the dining hall. "Oh, great.." You said to yourself, but loud enough that Byakuya could hear it. "Just when I thought today was going to be easy.." Byakuya said with a sigh. "We don't have to talk to them, we can just ignore them." You said with a slight chuckle. "Were you going to make something to eat, Byakuya?" You ask in a curious tone. "Oh, not right now. I'm just drinking my tea." He says and then takes a sip of his tea.

You look around the room and you notice every student is still here. "It seems no one has committed a murder yet." You said in your usual tone. "It would seem so, how unfortunate.." Byakuya said in a sarcastic tone. You chuckle a bit at Byakuya's response, and then you go back to eating. "I suppose today is going to be rather boring.." You say with a sigh. "It doesn't have to be boring, we could read in the library again after breakfast if you'd like." Byakuya said with a slight smile on his face. "Perhaps, that sounds better than sitting around and doing nothing.." You said in your usual voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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