PART 20 🦋

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The next morning, the group gathered their things and prepared to head back to the hotel

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The next morning, the group gathered their things and prepared to head back to the hotel. After a long, fun-filled night, everyone was a bit groggy but in high spirits. They packed up the camp and loaded into the buses, with laughter and chatter filling the air.

Zara sat by the window, gazing out at the passing scenery. The bus ride back was quiet, with many of the students nodding off or quietly talking among themselves. Jungkook was seated a few rows behind her, occasionally glancing in her direction, lost in his own thoughts.

Upon arriving at the hotel, everyone disembarked, carrying their bags and heading towards their respective rooms. Zara, Rose, and Jennie walked together, chatting about the fun they had and the upcoming activities they were looking forward to.

"That was such a fun trip," Rose said, stretching her arms above her head. "But I’m so glad to be back. I need a proper shower and some rest."

Jennie nodded in agreement. "Same here. A nice, comfy bed sounds perfect right now."

As they reached their room, Zara smiled and turned to her friends. "I'll join you both in a bit. I need to freshen up and pray."

Rose and Jennie nodded understandingly. "Take your time, Zara," Jennie said with a warm smile.

Zara entered her room, set her things down, and took a moment to reflect on the trip. It had been a mix of emotions, from the fun and laughter to the moments of introspection and connection. She performed her ablutions and prayed, finding solace in her routine.

Meanwhile, Jungkook, Mark, and Lisa were unpacking in their room. Lisa, always observant, noticed Jungkook’s quiet demeanor.

"You've been awfully quiet, Jungkook," Lisa said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Everything okay Mr badboy?"

Jungkook looked up, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, just thinking about a lot of things."

Mark raised an eyebrow. "Anything you want to share?"

Jungkook shook his head. "Not right now. Just... reflecting, I guess."

Lisa exchanged a knowing glance with Mark. They had noticed a change in Jungkook, a shift that seemed to deepen with each interaction he had with Zara.

After freshening up, Jungkook decided to take a walk around the hotel grounds......As Jungkook’s eyes fell on Zara sitting on a bench in the small library, a smile appeared on his face. He walked over to her, trying to suppress the grin that threatened to spread wider.

“May I join you, princess?” he asked, bowing playfully. Zara smiled behind her veil and nodded.

“Don’t you dare call me that,” Zara said, her tone half-serious as she continued writing in her book. Jungkook, intrigued, leaned in to see what she was working on.

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