PART 6 🦋

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"Hey princess"

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"Hey princess"

Zara's POV:

"W-what are you doing h-here?" I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper as I met Jungkook's gaze with wide, startled eyes. His smirk only widened in response, his presence sending a jolt of nervous energy coursing through me.

"What's wrong, Miss Zara?" Mr junghyung inquired, his voice tinged with concern as he glanced between Jungkook and me, clearly sensing the tension in the air.

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly feeling dry as I struggled to find the words to explain the unexpected encounter. "I-I... um..." I faltered, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plausible excuse.

Before I could gather my thoughts, Jungkook rose from the couch and began to approach me, his confident stride closing the distance between us. My heart pounded erratically in my chest as I instinctively took a step back......As I felt my heart racing with unease, I whispered "Hasbi ya Allah," I murmured softly, allowing the familiar phrase to soothe my racing thoughts.

Gathering my composure, I turned my attention back to Mr junghyung "Nothing, Mr. Jeon," I replied, my voice steady as I met his gaze, deliberately ignoring Jungkook's presence looming in front of me.

As Mr. Junghyung nodded his head and approached us, I could feel Jungkook's intense gaze fixed on me. Mr. Junghyung gently took the coffee from my hands before smiling at me

"Miss Zara, this is my younger brother, Jeon Jungkook," Mr. Junghyung introduced, his voice calm and composed. The realization dawned on me as I looked between the two of them; they shared the same features, the same piercing gaze that seemed to see right through me.

Nodding in understanding, I acknowledged the connection between them. "Ah, I see," I murmured softly, a hint of recognition flickering in my eyes

Before Mr. Junghyung could continue, Jungkook interjected, his voice interrupting the moment. "Zara Fatima. I know her. She's my classmate," he stated casually, his tone betraying no hint of the history between us.

My heart skipped a beat at his words, Keeping my gaze lowered, I nodded in acknowledgment, my cheeks flushing beneath my veil as I felt Jungkook's eyes on me.

"Ya Allah, why should I again meet this person?" I murmured softly, my voice barely above a whisper as I closed my eyes, searching for inner strength.

Before I could dwell further on my thoughts, I felt a sudden movement beside me, causing me to startle slightly. Opening my eyes, I saw Jungkook leaning closer, a haughty expression on his face as he poked his inner cheeks with a sense of arrogance.

"Are you stalking me everywhere princess" he said while keeping his hands in his pockets while poking his I couldn't help but meet his gaze with a sharp glare, refusing to back down in the face of his attitude. "Watch where you're poking those cheeks," I said and moved back from him, unwilling to tolerate his insolence.

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