Infatuation:ch 4

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Everyone is gathered at the table, laughing and having a good time. Tyla sits next to Simone and Nate, while Lando is seated beside JR and Damon. "You're on fire..." Keisha says, causing everyone to laugh. "Don't. Look at how he's eating right now," she adds, pointing at JR as he scarfs down his food. "Ew. J.R.!" Simone exclaims in disgust, while Tyla shakes her head at him. "Sorry. Look, I hate to eat and run, but I got a date," JR says, getting up from his seat. "A date, huh?" Tyla teases, leaning on her hand. Cam shakes his head and mumbles, "Uh oh."

"Does that mean someone's embracing hoeing season?" Tyla asks playfully. "That means Gabby's got a big mouth. And maybe... yes to a little hoeing season," JR admits, causing everyone to burst into laughter. Damon gives him a dap. "OK, OK. Actually, before you leave, J.R., I have an announcement to make," Amara says, standing up. Everyone turns their attention to her, prompting JR to sit back down. Lando begins to rise.

"Oh, uh, y'all want me to leave?" Lando asks politely. "No, that's OK. I love these dinners with you guys. You know I do. They're special," Amara begins, but Keisha cuts her off. "Hear, hear! And screw whoever that nosy narc was talking smack about us on Yard Yack," Keisha interjects.

"It had to be Nico Logan, right, Auntie?" Simone asks as Tyla nods. "You know it makes sense. He overhears us talking about family dinner, and then he gets pissed when I tell him to wait his turn," Tyla recalls, rolling her eyes. "Why does that not surprise me?" Simone adds. "Nate, I'm so happy you dumped his toxic ass," Keisha sighs with relief.

"You don't know that it was him. Maybe you shouldn't spread rumors without receipts," Nate retorts, causing Keisha and Tyla to look at him weirdly. "OK, it doesn't matter. The point--" Amara tries to continue, but Keisha cuts her off again.

"I'm sorry, Dr. P. Nate, why are you defending him? He broke your heart," Keisha turns to Nate. The room grows tense as everyone falls silent. "Yo, who is this Nico guy? What's going on now?" Damon asks, confused. Tyla looks at Nate with concern. "Nico was m-- Nico is my boyfriend. We're back together," Nate corrects herself. Keisha looks at Nate in hurt and confusion.

"Wait. And you... you kept that from me? Nate, he's a narcissist. He made you cry for weeks. What are you doing?" Keisha says, her voice rising. Cam steps in. "Keisha, chill," Cam says, but Keisha glares at him. "Don't talk to me," she snaps, making Cam hold his arms up in surrender. "What?" Cam asks, bewildered. Simone and Tyla echo, "Keisha," in concern.

"You don't gotta date him," Damon chimes in, earning a "shut up" look from Tyla. "You gonna answer my question?" Keisha presses, ignoring everyone else. "OK, enough. Enough! Enough. Whether it was Nico or not, the person was right about one thing: these dinners give you unfair access to me as Bringston's president," Amara admits.

"Wait, wait. What are you saying, Auntie P.?" Tyla asks, looking at Amara, who sighs deeply. "Tonight is our last family dinner," Amara announces, dropping the bombshell. The room falls into a stunned silence.


The next day, Tyla, Simone, Keisha, and Nate are gathered around a table, working on a poster for Shay's first day of school.

"Yeah, I like it," Tyla says, admiring the poster filled with toddler outfits among other things. "Nope. Blue top, brown bottoms," Keisha interjects, placing the brown bottoms under the shirt. "OK, fine. Let's focus on lunch, and do not say tuna salad," Simone says, hinting at Keisha who gives her a look. "Shade. What did tuna ever do to you?" Keisha mumbles. "Because it's giving lunchtime loneliness. Ain't no kid wants to trade for tuna salad," Tyla adds with a smirk. "I would," Keisha insists as Damon walks in.

"What's all this?" Damon asks, looking at the poster scattered with clothes and lunch ideas.

"It's a vision board for Shay's first day of preschool. Shanelle found a beginner's preschool program," Simone explains. "So what, like, pre-preschool or something?" Damon asks, chuckling.

"More like day care but with classes," Nate adds with a smirk. "Yeah, Shanelle and I have been planning the perfect first day for weeks. I cannot wait for her to send us pictures and videos," Simone says, imagining how happy she'll be when she receives them. "I know, send them to me too," Tyla says, and Simone nods. "I think it's dope that you're working with Shay's adopted mother," Damon says sincerely, making Simone smile.

"Speaking of pictures and videos, how's your little sister?" Simone asks, turning to Tyla, who smiles.

"Yeah, she's going to the first grade. My mom is supposed to be sending me pictures and videos," Tyla admits, prompting everyone to awe.

"Oh, I miss that little girl. She was always so happy," Simone says, recalling a memory.

"You have a sister?" Damon asks in confusion as the rest of them look at Tyla in surprise, except for Simone, of course.

"Oh yeah, I guess it never came up," Tyla says, shrugging.

"What's her name?" Keisha asks. "Ayara," Tyla answers, taking out her phone to show a very old picture. "This was her before. I'm waiting for new pictures. I haven't seen them in so long," Tyla says, showing her friends the picture of her little sister. The photo reveals a beautiful little girl with two perfectly styled puffs in her hair and a big, radiant smile, wearing a Princess Tiana dress and a small frog in her hand.

"She's adorable!" Nate exclaims. "She looks like a little princess," Keisha adds, smiling. "Yeah, she really is," Tyla says, her voice filled with affection and a hint of longing as Simone puts her hand on her shoulder as comfort. "I can't believe you never mentioned her," Damon says, still looking at the picture.

"Yeah, well, with everything going on, it just slipped my mind," Tyla replies. "Anyways enough about me Are you regretting your mom and birth mom meeting up on campus tomorrow?"Tyla asks concerning as she looks at Damon. "Uh, I mean, I know it's time to clear the air with everybody, but I can't help but feel like this is gonna be a complete disaster." Damon says as Tyla shakes her head. "Aye no negativity Keena and Celine, they might surprise you." Tyla says as Simone nods. "Yeah just Look at me and Shanelle." Simone says making Damon nod genuinely.

Finally updated!!!!!!




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