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After the tour, Ed led Kathrine back to her room because he could tell the girl was getting tired.

"Thank you, Eddy." Kathrine smiled. "The tour was fun."

"Already giving me a nickname?" Ed smiled.

Kathrine blushed a little from embarrassment. "Sorry, I like to give nicknames to my friends."

"No, it's ok. Just don't call me that in front of the others. They'll start making a huge deal over nothing." Ed chuckled.

"Oh, ok." Kathrine smiled.

Gosh she was cute. Wait, what? The Dragon shook his head and said. "Well, I'm going to let you sleep so if you need anything at all. Enora's room is right across from your room, Portis is on the left of hers, and mine is right next door on the left from your room. Ok?"

Kathrine nodded as she smiled shyly. "Thanks again."

"No problem. Good night."

"Good night." Kathrine smiled.

Ed returned the smiled and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Kathrine smiled as she sat down on the bed. The sheets were clean and soft.

What did she do to deserve such good friends?

The girl sighed as she laid down in the bed. Ed seemed very nice, and so did Enora and Portis. She had peaceful thoughts as she dozed off to sleep.

Fear inside Kathrine grew as she found herself in a cold room, sending chills through her spine. She was in her old cell. "No! Not here again!"

"But this is where you belong." She heard Entity's voice. "With us."

"No! Leave me alone!" Kathrine backed up away from his voice, her back hitting a wall.

"But you're one of us. Once the people who trapped me here find out what you really are, they will turn their back on you, and lock you up." Entity said. "You are a creation like no one has ever seen. The only people who will accept a Monster like you is us. Everyone else will hate you."

"NO! I'm not a Hybrid or a Monster!" Tears began to run down her face. "Get away from me!"

"You're right. You're so much more. You are a very dangerous and the most powerful Monster Multibrid..."


Ed was suddenly woken up by a small explosion and a commotion coming from the other room. "Kathrine!"

He was immediately awake and out of bed and rushed into the other room. When he opened the door, he saw a couple TNT and a few fireballs circling around Kathrine who was hovering a meter above her bed. The TNT and fire moved around the girl fast enough to create wind in the room.

"Kathrine!" Ed tried to wake her up.

Ed spread out his wings and fought against the wind as he flew up to her level. He was careful not to get hit by the projectiles circling her.

Kathrine looked terrified as a few tears were seen on her sleeping face.

Ed dodged a fireball that was about to hit his head. "Come on, Kathrine. You have to wake up." He said as he began to shake her.

Another TNT and fireball appeared and Ed was really starting to worry a lot more. "Kathrine!"

The girl still wouldn't wake up as she began to yell in her sleep as if in pain.

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