Epilogue/ The Maiden Voyage

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( It has been a full week since the grand battle at sea. Since then, any and all British and  French fleets that had felt the battle after seeing the Ebonir Raven. Have come together with the American fleet and the pirates for a parlay. A parlay where Daisy Jones stated. Should any captain of a ship, break this parlay? That they would be trapped in her father's locker for eternity. However, she left out how the Darby family was immune to this rule)

" ( Looks at  Arcee's new human form). Thats not a bad look for you Arcee. But can you change back?" Asked Bulkhead. " No, which is fine with me. I took this form as a promise to Calypso. I am to act as the guardian of the Compass Bearer,  which suits me just fine. It just means I'll be able to stay here on earth and spend some time with my partner as he goes on his adventurers across the sea." Said  Arcee as she looked to her left to see Oliva and Mary assist  Vivian, and Monica with bringing their supplies onboard the ship. " Do you know when you're task will be complete? We'd love to show you what Cybertron looks like after it's rebuilt." Said  Ratchet. 

" I believe Arcee has made her choice. She has chosen to live among the humans as one of them. As a member of its people."  Said Optimus. " So, we'll never see you again?" Asked Chromia. " Yeah, sure looks that way. I'm sorry sis, but I've gone from one battlefield to the next. With no chance to fully grasp the situation of what's going on who if we can truly stop it? Nor have I ever been. ( Looks away and then slowly walks aboard the Ebonir before looking at a sunset to her left). Nor have I been able to grasp the true meaning of something as beautiful as this. So, I'm staying here. As is my job and my pleasure to do." Said  Arcee as the Ebonir Raven slowly left the harbor. " Then, we'll just have to come by here and visit you when we can." Said  Elita as he watched the Ebonir lower its sails. "  SOUNDS GREAT, I'LL SEE YOU GUYS WHEN THAT DAY COMES!"  Said  Arcee with a smile as the ship sailed far out in the sea.

" So, what be our heading captain?" Asked Mary as Vivian manned the wheel. "Wherever we want Mary, we'll let the wind and waves lead our way." Said  Jack as  Arcee smiled at her partner, while the Ebonir Raven sailed into the sunset. But as they sailed away. The crew sang a song.

( Song that the crew was singing)

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( Song that the crew was singing)

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