Chapter 3: My Cupcake

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Chapter 3

I sat and stared at the ceiling for a good amount of time. I was too frustrated to talk to anybody right now. Niall was a great best friend, but he was super confusing.

I let out a breath of air, and sat upward. I looked out the window and noticed that the sun was starting to set. I figured I should take a shower since I was sweaty from the earlier encounter with Niall.

I stumbled into the bathroom, my head dizzy from not eating all day. I didn't need food now, I needed a long, nice, steaming hot shower.

I stripped myself of all my clothes and laid them on the cold floor. I pushed the curtain back so I could make my way in. I stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain back into place.

I turned the faucet on and let the hot water fall on my body. Steam rose up and started to fog up the mirror.

Then, I heard footsteps creak on the wood floor in my bedroom.

"Kylie!" A voice called out.

Please don't be Niall.

Please don't be Niall.


"In here!" I yelled back.

"I haven't seen you all day," Harry said.

The butterflies in my stomach fluttered. The sound of his voice was so soothing.

"Sorry, I was just embarrassed about earlier," I said, my face beginning to turn red at the thought of what happened earlier.

"Don't worry about it. It was pretty hot anyways, babe," He said to me through the door. He called me babe.

I could feel my heart starting to race, making me feel more dizzy.

I grabbed onto a white soap bar as I began to rub it onto my red arms. It smelt like vanilla.

"Well thank you," I replied.

It grew hotter and hotter. My body felt like it was going to fall over. The room started to spin. I could feel my body start to go numb. I was hungry and overheated. I could feel my eyes start to flutter shut.

"Kylie!" Harry screamed through the door.

That was the last thing I remembered before I hit the shower floor. After that, everything grew darker and darker.


I felt something cold being put on my forehead. I reached for it, but instead ended up grabbing a soft hand.

I opened my eyes to meet big emerald ones. Brown curls hung over my face.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I asked, my head suddenly beginning to spin.

"I'm cooling you down," he responded briefly while placing a bag of ice onto my burning forehead.

His eyebrows were furrowed. He was biting the inside of his cheek. I could tell his was concerned.

"What the hell happened exactly?" I asked as I held onto the ice bag.

All I could remember was taking a shower. I remembered being dizzy but that's all that I could think of at the moment.

"You passed out in the shower. I think it was because you were overheated," Harry said.

He slowly sat down on the bed I was laying in. I gave him a small smile, silently thanking him for the help. It was nice of him to go through all the trouble of dressing me too.

Wait a fucking minute.

"You saw me naked," I said, my cheeks turning pink.

I gave him a slight glare. His eyes grew wide as he sat next to me awkwardly.

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