21 3 3

I sat at my desk, my hands trembled as I scribbled out the note. Note? What? No I didn't want to this.

I set down the pen, standing up my feet padded down the barracks hallway floor, I no longer walked with the previous purpose I had, I walked with a new purpose.

I shoved my hands in my pockets, I pushed the door open, the stiff, cold, night air whipped at my exposed skin, the rain drops pelting like tiny bullets, stinging with each hit. My boots hit the soft rain soaked ground a bit softer than they did with the concrete.

Where was I going? I wasn't sure yet. But I was getting the fuck away.

From everything.

I walked fir hours my legs felt like jello but my mind wouldn't let me stop, throught he woods filled with eerie night sounds of owls and wolves, to the bare plains of soaked grass, through puddles and mud, foliage and dirt. I pushed on.

I collapsed to the ground, my body hit the soft mud and sunk down, now covered in but i trembled as I got up, I was so tired, I stumbled for a bit, falling into a bush, my skin now scraped and my shirt torn, i stablized myself and walked on. When my feet hit paved ground I smiled, I walked down the poorly paved road, rushing cars went past me.

I stopped when I reached a bridge, looking over the edge I saw bathing but other cars rushing through. I'd pass.

I kept walking, I shut my eyes and sighed.

"This was a mistake, why am I doing this to begin with"

I shrugged to answer my own question. Was I really that far gone.

It was late, maybe 2 in the morning, I kept walking down the road people tired to stop to see if I needed a ride but I didn't, I know knew where I was going.


I sucked in a breath, the cool air above the water filled my lungs.

Was this it? The question I kept asking. Was it?

I stepped to the edge of the bridge, the pang of my steel toed boots hitting the metal frame rang too loud in my ears.

Holding out my foot over the edge I fell back. I wasn't ready.

I was scared. Scared? Scoffed the little voice in my head.

I held my breath as I put my foot back over the edge, my fingers gripped at the cold metal around me, my other foot planted firmly, I stared out at the water. It was oddly pretty.

The water still, the smallest waved brushed the surface at gusts of wind. The moons light shone on the surface.

I planted my foot back down on the metal and leaned down to unlace my boots.

Slipping them off my feet, my socked foot hit the cold metal, I flinched I hadn't thought it'd so cold.

I smiled softly, admiring the scene one last time as I leaned forward my hands sweating. Now or never

I stepped off the ledge, leaving only a few words behind.

"I'm coming baby"

I fell alot faster than I thought I would as the cold air whipped around me it felt like time slowed down. My body hit the water hard, I was rendered unconscious quite fast.


No one could find Arne, I was tasked with checking his quarters.

I pushed the door open slow, nothing but a small warmly lit lamp shining on a note.

The words were messy, but there wasn't many of them

The bastard won, he's got me.
Im deeply sorry this didn't end sooner, collect my things, give then away, you won't find my body so don't bother.

I loved haze, the damn annoying fucker.

Love, Arne

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2024 ⏰

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