Chapter 40 ✦ Paying Respects

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A/N: a chapter with fluff and kinda sad or heartfelt tehe 🎀😜

Ma-ya just stared, stared into the blank wall that happens to be the ceiling. It wasn't all blank, maybe white but the texture was swirled with dips. Looking almost dangerous if one were to jump into it.
As one could tell she was bored, waiting for her Knight in shining armour.

Ma-ya smiled to herself thinking of how she was with him right now, it never seemed to not amaze her. Not in a 'I'm not good enough way' but a 'I can't believe I'm so lucky' way.

She heard distant steps from Joon's bedroom, Ma-ya was waiting in the living room.
She let her neck rest and pulled her vision to the view outside.
I felt a weight sitting next to me, yup that's him alright.

Ma-ya then rested her head on Namjoon's lap. Without consideration, Namjoon instinctively stroked her head gently. A warm fuzzy feeling had occurred again.

"I wish every moment was like this."
Joon said softly, "Don't you?"

Ma-ya nodded, "you know I do."

After a good while, Ma-ya left his lap.
"Soooo, what's the plan for today boss?" Ma-ya asked wondering why he asked her to come over.

Still staring at the view, Namjoon replied.
"A few things, I want it to be a surprise though. I think you'll appreciate it though."
Namjoon said while checking the time on his phone.

12:33 Afternoon

"Well, let's not keep them waiting any longer," Namjoon said while getting up, holding a hand out to help Ma-ya too.

She smiled and nodded but kept wondering what this plan was?

A warm and rememberable face appeared. Chris.
Kindly he drove us to our destination, still unknown.

Namjoon tapped her lightly, "To be fair, me and the homies planned something for you a while ago. Just cause we love you and care, and I hope you like it. We were careful how to go around it but, I just hope it's special to you and afterwards we're having a MOVIE NIGHTTT" Namjoon ended the heartfelt speech with a squeal making Ma-ya look away in surprise, holding her face in her hands.

"Jeez man, you've been around them TOO MUCH. But, I love you. And I love them, and I'm so very sure I'll love it" She said hugging him tightly.

After a few more turns, the car stood still. The windows were tinted black so she couldn't see the outside but she heard a few voices that sounded like her friends.

"Oh they're here-", "Jeez I'm nervous guys" was subtly heard from the outside of the viechle.

"Now, not to scare you but- do put this blindfold on- don't worry I'll guide you, sweetheart," Joon said quietly.
Ma-ya quickly put the blindfold on without a question. Freaky.

"Now wait here for a moment" Namjoon said quickly kissing her cheek and exiting the car.

All I could hear was quiet muttering and quick footsteps.

Suddenly my end of the car door opened. A hand lightly took my hand a guided me out. "Thanks, Chris, see you later??" I said while trying to find my footing being careful of the non-flat touraine.

"I'll guide you don't worry," Joon said, doing just that.

"Now, I'm sorry if this isn't the happiest thing you could do today but I think it's something we all should do to appreciate you and-" while Namjoon was speaking he suddenly took the blindfold off to reveal it.

"To appreciate the woman who gave you to the earth and us all".

It was my mother's grave. My eyes widened, not in sadness but I was surprised. It was beautiful, the grave was colourful and decorated with flowers and memories. I look past to see Ji-ho, Sua, Rowan, Amelia and Cho.

I looked back at Namjoon, he smiled at me. My eyes dimmed.
"Wait, If I had known I would have-"
"Brought your own, don't worry I did that for you," Namjoon said completing her sentence and handing her the bouquet Ma-ya meticulously had made. Of her mother's favourite flowers and colours.
A tear fell from her eyes, smiling. She left Namjoon's side and placed the bouquet in the space purposely left in the middle next to a picture of Ma-ya, her father and her mother.

She felt her nose start to be pricked with pain and her eyes started to water.

She dipped her head in silence as a way of thanking everyone and her mother. "Thank you guys. You didn't have to but you did. She appreciated this too." She said almost in tears. Hugging the picture of her family.

One by one, they all gathered around her lighting candles and supporting Ma-ya.
Wiping her tears, she managed to say "You know, she would have loved you all" Ma-ya said looking around at everyone.

Namjoon noticed the picture, of young Ma-ya, her father and her mother. He'd never seen any of this. Most likely cause it's very reminiscent of her past.
He smiled, she did look like her mother.
"You know, you really look like her. And in a way it just means she still lives but inside of your soul. You're still her daughter so it makes sense." He smiled looking into Ma-yas sparkling eyes.

She smiled back and laughed, "I guess you're right, you are right."

As Namjoon gave Ma-ya hope and comfort once again, they all gathered to pay their respects to Ma-ya's mother together as their own family.

As Namjoon gave Ma-ya hope and comfort once again, they all gathered to pay their respects to Ma-ya's mother together as their own family

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A/N: man I love them all, they're so cute n nice to eachother AAA

Also my fellow K fans.
I have 2 YouTube channels now!
One is blairszz ! My channel where I make YOUR favourite k songs into sleeping versions
svurgrvpes - K meme channel! One video is out nowwww!!

Word Count: 992

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