Chapter thirty

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Six months in! And I'm ready to pop this baby out. Haerin has been super caring and understanding of me this whole time. There's always extra everything in the mansion in case I want anything. And she's made sure that the maids are at my disposal if I ever need them.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Haerin asked as she walked out the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her waist and her sports bra on. I sat on the center of the bed with drool coming out from my mouth. I am so ready to devour her right now. Her fine self is setting me up for failure.

"Good, I guess. Sleeping isn't that comfortable anymore." I said and Haerin smiled at me. She walked over to me and sat down next to me on the bed. "Does your body hurt? I can get you someone to come here and give you massages for your sore muscles." She said as her hand reached out to grab my own.

"No, it's fine. Plus, remember that today we're going go and find out what the gender of our baby is!" I said happily and Haerin smiled like never before. "I know, so come on. Let me change and I'll get your bath ready." She said as she leaned over and placed a kiss on my temple as she brought both of our hands on the now very big baby bump.

"I love you." She whispered, I looked at her with adoration as she stated to get off the bed. "I love you more." I said and Haerin looked at me with challenging eyes. "Oh, honey, we both now I love you more." Haerin said and I gave her an eye roll.

She only gave me a wink as she walked away. Her sexy self walked away as her back muscles kept calling out for me. And I'm proud to say, that woman, is my woman. So, ladies keep your eyes and hands off my woman. Thank you very much!

After a while she came back out of the closet with black jeans and some jersey she had. "Give me a second, I'll get your bath ready now." She said as she walked back in to the bathroom. I could hear her doing I don't know what as it sounded like she was going through WW3 which made me laugh. I could feel those same old butterflies flattering as they bloomed in the pit of my stomach.

She walked out with a dorky smile on her face and I could only shake my head at her as she stood by the bed, her hand extended waiting for mine. I gladly took it and let her help me off the bed. When my feet touched the ground, Haerin wrapped me up in her warming embrace. My daily dose of my woman's hugs is a need.

"The bath is ready, take your time, okay? No need to rush." She said with a loving smile on her face as she looked down at me.

My eyes would never get tired of looking at her. She's the most beautiful thing ever. Her cat-like eyes that reached the depth of my soul every time she looked at me. Or that little toothy grin she lets out when she makes me laugh. I'll definitely never get tired of her warmth.

She's my everything.

"What's got you thinking, my love?" She asked and I let out a content sigh. "It's just that you're so beautiful. Your soul has to be the prettiest I've ever met." I said with a smile. Her eyes once again looked into mine without fear of drowning in their depth.

"I can say the same thing. The love of my life is both beautiful inside and out." She said and I gave her a shy smile. She leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. Pulling away and now guiding me to the bathroom.

We came to a stop and my heart completely melted. The bath was filled with bubbles, and she even lit up some candles! So sweet.

"Thank you, bubs." I said and she let out a whine as she pulled me towards her. "May I undress you? I don't want you to move too much." She said and I gave her a nod. She smiled at me and placed a kiss on my nose and then went straight to undressing me.

Haerin doesn't like me doing too much. She doesn't want anything to happen to me or our baby with one bad move.

She started off by tugging my shirt up and over my head, she carefully placed it down on the counter. She gave me a smile as she reached behind me and unclasped my bra. She carefully pulled it down my arms, kissing my shoulder to shower me with love.

"You're so pretty." She murmured as she slowly started to kneel, grabbing the sides of my sleeping shorts and tugging them down with my panties. Her lips pressed against my swelled belly where our baby rests.

"How's my precious little treasure doing? Now remember, don't tire your mommy so much, little one. She needs to be in her full strength, so help your mommy out." Haerin said, talking to the baby.

She looked up at me with a warm smile as she stood up. Her lips pressing against my own in a short kiss she didn't let me savor. Hmph!

She let out a chuckle as she pulled me closer to her. "Baby, we haven't really talked about our wedding date." She said as her hands ran up and down the bare skin of my sides. Is she thinking I'm backing down on the idea of marrying her?

"I know, but right now we kind of have a whole baby situation going on. Why don't we wait a year?" I said and Haerin thought of it. "That's actually perfect, maybe by then your dad will come back around. I didn't like not being able to ask him for your hand. And I'd want him to be here to walk you and hand you over to me." She said. And I felt my heart swell.

My father still hasn't given me a definite date of him coming back. I haven't even talked to him since before I was pregnant. I miss him so much, he doesn't even know I'm pregnant yet, or that I'm even getting married. And a part of me fears that he might never come back. That I might not see him again for a long while.

A part of me doesn't know if setting him free was the right thing to do. But all I wanted for him is to be happy. To find a reason to live again. To finally come to terms that my mom is gone.

"Babe, is everything okay?" She asked as she cupped my cheek and looked at me with worry. It was until then that I could feel my eyes swelling with tears. "Yeah." I said attempting on dismissing her worry.

"You know that I know you, but I won't push you to telling me." She said, leaning in and kissing my temple. "And because I know you so well, I know very well what's bugging you." She said and I let out a sigh. "He'll come back, I promise. Give him some more time. He'll be here on the most important days of your life." She said with a comforting smile.

I gave her a smile back as she grabbed my hand and carefully led me to the tub. Holding me tightly to make sure I didn't slip when entering the tub.

I sat down on the warm water, my tense muscles quickly relaxing. I could feel every little worry and stress leaving my body when Haerin hands landed on my shoulder, gentle massaging the area.

Flowers bloomed inside me with every kiss she placed on my skin every now and then. "You'll get your clothes wet." I said and she let out a hum. "It doesn't matter if I do, taking care of you is most important to me. My clothes don't matter as I can just change and the problem is solved." She said, kissing my cheek.

She's so perfect, the best thing in my life now and forever.





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