Last Night of Summer

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"No," I grumbled, propping the book up in front of my face.

It was the last night of summer before sophomore year, so here I lay, across my bed, on my stomach, reading yet another one of my awful books. Now don't get me wrong, I love reading. In fact you could probably call me a nerd. But when I say awful, it's because no matter how many horrible things happen to the main characters, I can never seem to be able to put them down.


I shot up into a sitting position. Not exactly the kind of noise you want to hear in the middle of the night, especially when you're home alone.


I jumped off of my bed, grabbed the closest thing, which just so happened to be a bat and headed off downstairs.

As I neared the bottom of the stairs, I stopped and peered around the railing to see into the living room. I saw shadows moving around looking around the room. I started to freak out and decided  to call 911 on my phone which, to my luck, just happened to be in the same room as my intruders.


Gripping the bat, I made my way towards it trying not to make a single sound. 


Great, one of them just dropped my mother's favourite vase. Now I'm gonna get in huge trouble.

SHHHHH!!! One of the intruders said then turned around spotting me.

I forgot about my old plan to call 911 and tried to make sure he didn't kill me.

"AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH", I starting swinging my bat around like a mad woman.

"Oh my God!" one of them yelled. "What is it with you people and bats? AARRGHH CRAP!"

I just kept swingin hoping they would run out the door and far away from here.


I kept swinging.

"Skylar, stop it's us!" the other yelled.

I stopped, squinted to see in the dark but all I saw was shadows. Someone turned the lights on and once my eyes adjusted to the bright light I saw the familiar buzz cut of the one and only Mr. Stiles Stilinski, one of my best friends, on the ground in a fetus position, clutching his forbidden zone.

I looked up slightly to see none other than Scott McCall laughing his head off. "Oh man, I told you we should've just knocked."

"What the hell are you guys doing? Were you trying to give me a heart attack?" I questioned my two stupid best friends.

"You weren't answering your phone" Stiles replied, now standing.

"I'm charging it"

"Oh, are your parents home?"

"No they're on another business trip"

"Good!" Scott then smacked the back of his head. "I mean not good that your parents are on another business trip and aren't here with you but good that they aren't here tonight. Not good that they are never home but great that they aren't here right now so they won't catch you sneaking out," Stiles rambled and Scott smacked the back of his head again. "I'm just gonna, yeh. Anyway, Dispatch called my dad. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even State Police," Stiles exclaimed hopping from one foot to another in excitement. I swear that boy never sits still.

"For what?"

"A dead body" Scott interjected.

Stiles grabbed my hand, "And you're helping us find it."

"WHAT, no I'm not," I pulled my hand away from Stiles' and jumped back as if he was an infectious disease. "I have a date with my book".

"Oh come on pleeeeeaaaasssseeee" he pleaded.

I looked and Scott for help and the expression on his face said something like; if I'm getting dragged into this, so are you.

"UGH, fine"


Chapter one done! This is my time writing on Wattpad so please let me know what you think. I would really like your feedback.

Thanks, Emily

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