Black Holes

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The night sky was unusually clear, a velvet canvas studded with diamond stars. She stepped outside, relishing the quiet beauty, when something strange caught her eye. Two inky voids, darker than the surrounding night, appeared near the horizon, blotting out the stars.

At first, she thought it was a trick of her eyes. She blinked and rubbed them, but the voids only grew larger and more defined. A chill ran down her spine as she realized the stars were not merely dimming but being swallowed. The air around her felt charged, heavy with an inexplicable energy that made her skin prickle.

Panic started to claw at her chest. She watched, transfixed and horrified, as the sky seemed to twist and bend around the dark orbs. Wisps of light and color swirled toward the voids, sucked into their gravitational pull. The stars, once steady and eternal, now danced wildly, distorted into serpentine streaks of light.

Her mind raced, piecing together fragments of half-remembered science. Black holes. It hit her like a physical blow. Those were black holes, not in the distant reaches of space but close enough to see, to feel. She stumbled backward, her breath coming in shallow gasps. The sheer scale of what was unfolding above her was beyond comprehension, beyond any nightmare she could have imagined.

The black holes moved with a terrifying grace, drawing closer together. She could almost feel the ground tremble beneath her feet, as if the very earth was aware of the cosmic catastrophe playing out above. The realization that nothing could escape their grasp—not even light—sent waves of dread through her.

As the swirling vortex of light and matter intensified, she felt an overwhelming sense of insignificance and doom. The sky was alive with a malevolent beauty, an apocalyptic dance that would spell the end of everything she knew. She was a mere speck in the face of such incomprehensible power, and all she could do was watch, terrified, as the universe seemed to unravel before her eyes.

She jolted awake, her heart pounding and sweat drenching her skin. The room was dark, the familiar shadows of her bedroom a stark contrast to the nightmarish scene she had just witnessed. She took a shaky breath, her mind still reeling from the vividness of the dream—the inky voids, the twisting stars, the crushing realization of impending doom. It had felt so real, so utterly terrifying. She lay there, staring at the ceiling, trying to shake off the lingering dread. Gradually, the solid presence of her surroundings reassured her, but the haunting beauty and terror of those black holes remained etched in her mind.

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