Through the eyes of a Raven

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As she drifted into unconsciousness after the car accident, she felt her spirit lifting from her body, weightless and ethereal. Opening her eyes, she found herself soaring above the world, the landscape unfolding below like a patchwork quilt. She was no longer confined by the limitations of mortal flesh; instead, she saw the world through the keen eyes of a raven.

With a sense of wonder and freedom, she flew towards her family home, where her loved ones gathered in mourning. She watched from the branches of a nearby tree as they grieved, their tears shimmering in the sunlight. For a fleeting moment, she longed to comfort them, to let them know she was still there, but she was only a silent observer in this spectral form.

As the day wore on, she felt drawn to the bustling streets below, curious to explore this new perspective. But her curiosity was cut short when she suddenly found herself in the path of an oncoming truck. With a sickening thud, she felt the impact, the world spinning in a blur of pain and darkness.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, she awoke, gasping for breath, back in her own body, lying on the hospital bed. It had all been a dream—a vivid, haunting dream that left her shaken to the core. But as she looked around at the familiar surroundings, she felt a profound sense of gratitude for the life she still had, a renewed appreciation for every precious moment. And though the memory of her spectral journey lingered like a ghostly echo, she knew that she was alive, and that was enough.

Midnight Echoes - A Collection Of My Vivid DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now