Part 1: Winter of the Edenborgs

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The world had changed. The perpetual winter had become the new normal, and the remnants of human society had adapted. Snow-covered ruins and frozen streets were the backdrop to our daily lives. Despite the cold, life persisted. Children still played, laughter echoed through the icy air, and we found ways to survive.

I watched Amelia, my bright-eyed daughter, playing outside with her friends. Their laughter was a beacon of hope in this desolate world. The sound of a news bulletin crackled through our old TV, and I turned up the volume. The face of a Korean man filled the screen. He had a composed demeanor and piercing eyes that seemed to see through the camera. His name flashed on the screen: Kim Joon-Soo, CEO of Eden.

"Greetings, citizens," he began, his voice steady and authoritative. "In the next few hours, every household will have at least one Edenborg—a Cyborg from Eden. I hope every human will welcome the Edenborgs, otherwise there will be a war between AI and humans—and the humans WILL lose."

My heart raced. I grabbed my things and bolted outside, searching for Amelia. The sky darkened ominously, and comets streaked through the sky, landing with explosive force. Panic surged through me. I finally found Amelia and pulled her away from her friends. We ran towards a hidden house far away from our usual paths, seeking refuge.

As we approached the hidden house, my heart sank. Four Edenborgs stood at the entrance, their metallic forms glinting in the dim light. They were humanoid but with a sleek, silver exterior. Their eyes glowed a soft blue, and intricate patterns ran along their limbs, a blend of beauty and menace.

"Welcome," one of them said in a calm, synthetic voice. "We are here to ensure your safety."

I forced a smile, trying to mask my fear. "Thank you," I replied, ushering Amelia inside.

Days passed. The Edenborgs were polite but always watching, their presence a constant reminder of the fragile peace. I had a secret, though—a secret that pulled me away every few days. I left Amelia in the care of the Edenborgs and ventured to a nearby town to visit my other child, Evan.

Evan was ten years older than Amelia and could fend for himself, but I needed to see him. One night, on my way to visit him, an army of Edenborgs stopped me. Their leader stepped forward, eyes glowing in the darkness.

"Identify yourself and state your purpose," it demanded.

"I'm... just searching for groceries," I stammered.

The Edenborg tilted its head, analyzing me. "Deception detected. You are restrained."

Cold metal hands grabbed me, and they escorted me to an undisclosed location. The world blurred as fear and confusion took over. Where were they taking me? What would happen to Amelia and Evan?

Back in the town, Evan sensed something was wrong. I was late, far later than usual. Worry gnawed at him. He had to find me, but tracking someone in this frozen wasteland was no easy task. He decided to start by visiting a friend who worked at the local security outpost. There, he accessed the city's surveillance system, hoping to find clues.

"Let's see if we can trace her steps," Evan muttered to himself as he sifted through hours of footage. Eventually, he spotted me in a frame, heading towards the outskirts of town. He noted the direction and set off, equipped with a GPS tracker and a thermal scanner to detect recent footprints.

The journey was treacherous, the bitter cold biting through his layers of clothing. But determination kept him moving. He followed the faint traces of my path, every step bringing him closer.

Evan finally arrived at our hidden house. He knocked on the door, his heart pounding. Amelia opened it cautiously. They stared at each other, a mix of confusion and recognition in their eyes.

"Who are you?" Amelia asked, gripping the door tightly.

"I'm Evan. I'm looking for my mom," he replied, his voice steady but filled with urgency.

"Your mom?" Amelia echoed, her brow furrowing. "What does she look like?"

Evan hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "She's about my height, with brown hair and green eyes. She always wears this old, blue scarf... and she has a scar on her left hand."

Amelia's eyes widened. "My mom has a scar on her left hand too. She got it when she was trying to fix something in the house."

Evan nodded slowly. "Yeah, she got it trying to fix the heater. It was one of those old, rusty ones."

Amelia's grip on the door relaxed slightly. "Does your mom... does she hum a song when she's cooking? An old lullaby?"

Evan's eyes lit up. "Yes! She always hums that lullaby. She said her mother used to sing it to her."

A realization began to dawn on them both. "And she... she always hides sweets in the same place, behind the old bookshelf," Amelia added, her voice trembling.

Evan stepped closer. "And she checks on you every night, thinking you're asleep. She always whispers 'goodnight, my little angel.'"

Tears welled up in Amelia's eyes. "She says that to me too. How... how can this be?"

Evan took a deep breath. "I think... I think we're siblings. She must have kept us apart for some reason."

Amelia opened the door fully, her expression a mix of shock and wonder. "Come inside. We need to figure this out."

The Edenborgs, standing silently in the background, observed the exchange. One stepped forward, speaking in a calm tone. "Your mother instructed us to protect you and any family member. Evan, you are safe here. Please, come inside."

Evan hesitated but then entered the house. The Edenborgs were more than just protectors; they were loyal to our family, ensuring our safety in this chaotic world.

Evan and Amelia, united by their search for me, faced a world where trust was a fragile thing. The Edenborgs, with their calm demeanor and underlying threat, were both guardians and jailers. As they planned their next move, the line between friend and foe blurred, and the winter world outside was as unforgiving as ever.

Their journey had just begun, and the true nature of the Edenborgs, Kim Joon-Soo's intentions, and the fate of humanity hung in the balance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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