Casey P.O.V.
After we arrived home Ashley and Cyd had to say their goodbyes cause Andy was gonna take her home, "You can see Ashley loves her." I say to Jake, "Yeah but, there's a sort of catch." "Come to think of it, he'll have to get through Andy first." I laugh. Cyd walks over to me, "Hey buddy." I honestly wanted to cry but, I managed to make it look like I'm happy, "It was fun spending time with you and prancing the guys. I would've never imagined this to be real and yet, here we are. I love you cuz. Bye" we hugged, "I love you too cuz. Bye. I'll make sure you come over a lot." I said as we parted ways.Jinxx came up and hugged me from behind, "You two have a bind that can't be broken." He said, "I know you ding dong" I playfully hit his arm. Andy had already left, "You better get ready, tomorrow's school." I nod and head off.
*next day*
I woke up to Andy's screaming, "I hate this so much." I said after tumbling onto the floor face first. It's autumn now yay. Soon it'll be winter and I love winter. Anyways back to business, "What the hell?" I opened my cupboard, "So much freaking clothes and no idea what to wear." I stood for a couple of seconds, "Okay," I took my high cut converse, these ones reached a bit under my knees. I also took out a black skinny and the BVB top Blade had given me. Over it I wore a black leather jacket with a gold BVB star on the back. I only did eyeliner on my waterline. You can guess what I did after that.
"Casey! Hurry! There's traffic and I wanna get you there on time!" Andy yelled from the bottom of the staircase. I grabbed my phone, "YES! Fully charged" then earphones and ran down, "Where's my bag and books." I ask Andy, "Your books are in your locker and Your bag is in the car." He planned ahead... that's just perfect, "I'll be waiting in the car" I say walking to the door, "YOU NOT LEAVING THIS HOUSE UNTIL YOU EAT!" Andy yelled after me, "That's right, I almost forgot about food. Oh no, I must be sick. Andy I need help. This isn't right. It's not, it's not, not not not. It's not right" I say hyperventilating, "You're not sick. It's okay, just sit down and here, eat this." He said while putting a plate of bacon and eggs on the table, "Okay" I was calmer now.
*time lapse*
"Bye enjoy your day." Andy said just before i got out, "Thanks you too" I grabbed my bag and ran to class. Today's periods will be:
6th:Math"Great math last. What a perfect way to end off the day." Andy said that Juliet told him my locker number is 45, "45, 45, ah 45" I stood in front of a locker taller than me. Then again, most things are taller than me. What's the code? Wait- I wrote it down. I pulled out my timetable. The code was 375. It put in the code, it unlocked. Okay that's settled,
"Hey there" Someone stood next to me, "Hey" I said closing the door, "What's your name?" He asked, I looked up at him. Shit, a jock, "I-it's Casey" crap, what if he hurts me? What if I get beat up?, "I'm Cody, I'm the jock of the school." He looked down at my sweater, "Oh look what we have here, a little slag. Well emo freak, I'll see ya around." He pushed me to the ground. At least I didn't get beat up.
I looked around the lunch room. It was big. An empty table at the far back. This was going to be boring, I don't even have any friends here. After I sat down I popped in my earphones.
*3rd period*
I walked up to my corner, "Hi, you must be Casey. I'm Alexanda" a boy just about Ashley's height walked up to me. Why do most boys I meet have to be Ashley or CC's height. Can't they be my height or a little bit over, "Uhm.. are you there?" He waved his hand in front of my face, "Yeah sorry, I... just zoned out." He has a snakebite on he's bottom lip. He's got fairly short long hair which was obviously straightened out. He's hair is blue and he has brown eyes, "Hello Casey and welcome back, I see you've met your new partner. There will be two other joining you guys shortly. Have fun." Miss West walked off
"Two others?" I ask, "Yeah, my friends. They can introduce themselves to you." He said, "Lovely, What instruments do you play?" I ask, "I play bass and screaming. I was told you do acoustic guitar and singing right?" So he was given all this information already, "Yep that's what I do" I smile, "Awesome" he picked up his bass and began to play. Today's gonna be fun.

Andy Biersack's long lost cousin
FanfictionAndy and the rest of BVB try to find his long lost cousin, Casey, and uses one of her friends to lead them to her