Casey P.O.V.
The car was in an awkward silence, "Andy ,why did you want that book back so badly?" He stayed quiet, "Ashley, do you know why?" The same response, "Jinxx?" The same, "Jake?" "Andy stop letting her beg ,shame just tell her!" Jake yelled at him ," she shouldn't know yet. She's still too young." He replied, quite stern if I may say, "I'm too young what does that mean?? I'm only 14" "your 14 exactly that. When you turn 15, I will tell you. Not anytime before." Wow he is really stern now, "you know when it's my birthday right?" CC jumped, "Of course he knows, why do you think he would make us go through all the trouble of getting you if he didn't?" "Oh that makes sense" The car stopped in front of a mansion-like houseAndy P.O.V.
I stopped the car in front of the BVB house, "why are we stopping here? Shouldn't Casey go home to get her clothes and say goodbye to her parents?" Jinxx asked, Casey looked confused, "I talked to her mother last night, she said she'd drop her clothes and that as soon as we get back to the house." I sound rather serious for some reason, it's like I have no emotions. After I text her mom we got out the car and started walking towards the house. Casey and Jinxx were getting really close, I mean she even sat on his lap in the car. Ah well I'm probably overreacting she's too young for him anyway. He wouldn't go for her anyway. She's too jumpy, "Andy snap out of your thoughts." Casey said trying to hop onto my back. She really is short, "oh sorry guess I zoned out a bit" I said faking a laugh. Shrugging ,she walked into the house following Jake. Not long after we settled on the couch. Casey's mom arrived, "Andy, I haven't seen you in years! How've you been?" I hugged her, "I was and am well as you can see Michelle" I heard a gasp from behind me. Oh no Ashley, "well hi. My name's Ashley, im guessing your's is Michelle. Your beauti-" he was cut off from the pan hitting him unconscious, "that's my mom you butt-head!" Casey yelled at him, "mommy what are you doing here?" " I came to bring you your things and say bye to my baby girl" she said pulling Casey into a hug. Casey started to tear up, "I packed in your Sylvester teddybear (Sylvester from Looney Toons , if you don't know)" Casey was crying and so was Michelle, "bye my baby, I'll call you everyday. Have fun" she told her, and gave her one last goodbye, "bye mommy... I'll..... miss you..too" she was in tears bye now. This was a bad idea to do this ,she's way ok young to leave her mom but, she needs to stay with us no matter what. Her mother left. She sat bawling her eyes out, Jinxx held her. Maybe I was wrong, maybe they do like each other.

Andy Biersack's long lost cousin
FanficAndy and the rest of BVB try to find his long lost cousin, Casey, and uses one of her friends to lead them to her