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Jinxx P.O.V.
I've sat up here for at least 20 minutes. When Casey came back outside she had a water gun and a bucket of water in her hands. She was accompanied by Ashley. He held a bucket of water balloons and a video camera, "Say 'hi' Jinxx" He told me, "Dumbass, I'll get you for this!" I yelled at him. He just laughed and flipped me off, "Jinxx, I trust you've seen my water gun, bucket of water and water balloons? Well two of the water balloons are special. One has paint in it and not just any paint, PINK paint. The second one I've filled with random liquids I've found around the house. Stuff like shampoo, liquid soap, lemon juice, I put an egg in there, tomato sauce, mustard and so forth. Now Jinxx, PRAY FOR YOUR LIFE!" She squirted me with water for at least 30 minutes refilling it until there was no more water left. Luckily for me I didn't fall out out the tree, "Jinxx I'm gonna kill you!" She threw me with a water balloon. It missed me because I dogged it, "HA you mis-" she threw another and it hit my face, "How dare you!" I yelled, "Oh yeah well there's more where that came from!!" She threw another five more. I dogged one and the other four hit me. It was okay because all of those ones were he ones filled with water. She then took the bucket of balloons and walked inside. Ash stayed behind and laughed. He was still recording, "Dude are you okay?" He laughed harder? I jumped down assuming it was safe and walked inside. Ashley following me this time.

Casey P.O.V.
I took out the two bombs I'd specifically made for Jinxx with three other balloons and hid behind the couch. CC, Jake, Andy and Blade were watching this little battle. Jinxx entered. He noticed the water balloons were unguarded and took a few. That's when I threw him with a plain one. Four more left. I ran outside before he could hit me. I chose to bid in one of the bushes. There was silence as he walked outside and started to look around. If I made a move now I'd be done for. As he walked you could see he was nervous he might get hit again. I tried to sneak out from behind the bush quietly and quickly. Success. I ran towards the closest tree, "Time for my paint bomb" I whispered and there him. It hit his head, "What the fuck?!" He had paint on his hand. He threw one of his bombs in my direction it hit the wall in front of me. I ran for the door. He threw me again this time, the bomb hit my legs. Good for him cause of it hit my hair it would be WAR. As soon as I got in I hid behind Andy, "cover for me." I told him, "got it" he replied. Jinxx walked in, "Have you seen a little girl, almost my height and really annoying?" He asked Andy, "Annoying huh? Alright then!" I threw him with the rest of my water bombs, "and now for the big finish." I threw my ultimate bomb at him. Direct hit, "Ewww" Ash whined. After that scene, I showed Blade around and introduced him to Jinxx and Ashley, "thanks from letting me come over. See you tomorrow at school." He waved bye to us. Apparently he lived nearby and this area is safe so nothing to worry about.

Blade P.O.V.
I opened the door to see my abusive farther on the sofa in front of the t.v., "Evening dad" I said as I walked to my room. As usual no reply. 5 years ago he killed my mom out of frustration. He escaped the cops. He was and still is an alcoholic. Dad will only hurt me when he's really drunk.

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