Chapter 4 - Explanation

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That evening Emma walks in from a long day at work with the memories from last night still being fuzzy in her head.

She walks through the door to a worried Killian, who is pacing around in the living room but comes rushing out into the hallway when he hears the front door being closed.

Killian walks up to Emma with an angry expression plastered on his face and hugs Emma whilst saying "where the hell have you been I have been worried sick, I have been calling and texting you all night. I tried calling your mum because I thought you might have stayed there again but she didn't answer her phone either. So please tell me why you have ignored me".

Emma goes to hug him and goes to talk but before she could he steps away and says "no Emma you worried me I thought something had happened to you. I don't know what I would do if I lost you". Killian chokes on his words trying not to cry.

Emma takes both his hands in hers and says "I'm sorry Killian I know I Made a mistake. I should have called you but I thought after our argument that you wouldn't want to talk to me and that you never wanted to see you again".

Killian pulls Emma into a hug as she starts to cry. Killian pulls Emma away and places both his hands on her face and says "Emma you may have made a mistake but I want you to know that no matter what comes between us we will work it out together. We are a pair and we can't be broken".

Emma walks Killian towards the stairs then up to their room. As they enter the room Emma starts to unbutton Killian's shirt and pushes him onto the bed. Killian locks onto the hints and starts taking off Emma's jacket but stops before taking off her shirt, and places a kiss on her lips then says whilst looking into her hazel brown eyes "Emma are you sure this is what you want to do I don't want to rush you if you're not sure". Emma nods and lowers herself to Kilian's trousers and unzips them with her teeth then looks up at him and says "yes I am sure I want this". With that being said Killian Places Emma Over to her side of her bed and stands up and continues to get underdressed, Emma does the same then gets back into bed and says "I love you Killian".

The next morning Emma is woken to an empty bed and a smell that makes her stomach growl. Emma sits up and thinks to herself 'I know that smell. That's the smell for raspberry pancakes'. She stands up out of bed and walks into the master bathroom and takes a quick shower then makes her way downstairs to where her handsome pirate is standing.

But Emma decides to not walk into the kitchen. She decides to stand in the doorway as she observes the pirate who is standing making pancakes and dancing and singing. Emma tries her very hardest to stop herself from laughing but when Killian tries to sing the female parts of the song she just loses it and starts to laugh which causes Killian to jump and drop the pancake mix on the floor.

Killian spins round and walks over to Emma and wraps his arms around her waist and says whilst placing a kiss on her lips "go on laugh, that means you have just lost your chance to have your present that I have waiting for you after breakfast".

Emma kisses Killian back, then pulls away and says "no please I'm sorry I won't laugh again you have a gorgeous voice and amazing dance moves". Killian nods his head no then gives her another kiss then walks over to one of the counter to grab same kitchen roll to clean up the pancake mix and says "I'm sorry Emma but that's not a good enough apology, if you want me to forgive you and give you your present your going to have to beg''.

Emma pulls a face then bends down on the ground and says "oh handsome one please may I have your forgiveness". Killian laughs and walks over to Emma to give her a hand up and pulls a small box out of his pocket which causes Emma to gasp, this makes Killian go red in the face then laugh then says "oh no honey this isn't what you think it is. I'm waiting for the correct time to pop that question". Killian pauses and opens the box to reveal a gold necklace in the shape of half a heart.

Emma turns around so that he can place it around her neck and continues "this is the present I want to give you and if you notice its only one half of a heart, which means I share the other half and if you turn it over you will also notice there is a letter".

Emma turns the necklace over and reveals a letter 'K' Emma smiles and looks up at Killian with a tear rolling down her face says "thank you Killian this is gorgeous".

After breakfast Emma is ready to leave for work but before she leaves she places a kiss on Kilian's cheek and says "bye honey love you, and don't forget that when I have a break I'm popping home quick to pick Henry up so that I can take him over to Regina's as he's staying there for the weekend". With that being said Emma walks out of the front door and gets into her car and drives to the station.

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